Amazing work yesterday guys – you were all so busy! I thought I would treat you to a bit of a video to start with today (I had the house to myself for 5 minutes so I didn’t get disturbed!) Have a watch and then go get busy…(if the video won’t play – don’t worry you are not missing anything – I just explain the tasks!!)

Daily Timetable

  1. Spelling / Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Art
  5. Music

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – Well done to everyone who worked on the ‘sion’ pattern yesterday, some more activities linked to this spelling pattern today,

Firstly, a game of ‘whack-a-mole’!

Next, I have added a game to seesaw for you to play with someone at home. You will need a dice, if you cannot find a dice, please use this interactive one.

Phonics – Another ‘o’ long vowel to explore today – the split diagraph ‘o_e’. Have a watch of Mr Thorne and then complete the activites below…

Firstly use forest phonics to practice the sound (choose o_e sound)

Then have a go at this wordsearch to practice the sound further (choose o_e sound)

English – Amazing story maps again yesterday – well done. Before we start have another watch of the story so far thinking about how Beowulf feels just before, during and after the battle.

Today we are going to concentrate on the character of Beowulf again and imagine that he has just defeated Grendal and he wants to tell his mum and dad what happened and how he felt. I would like you to be Beowulf and tell me what you would say and what you think mum and dad would say. Your challenge is to show it as a series of text messages backwards and forwards between the characters. (I know they wouldn’t have had phones but i thought it would be fun!) You can either write down the conversation or use the following website to show your ideas.

If on a tablet, the site works best holding it in landscape. Type each message into the left hand side and it will appear in the phone outline. Remember to change over the message colour so you can tell who is texting. Click +addtextmessage to add another message. When all the conversation is complete, click ‘create image’ and then ‘download image’ to save it somewhere on your device. Hopefully you can then upload your phone outline to seesaw.

I can’t wait to see your ideas and the words you will use to show how proud Beowulf feels and how worried his mum would be! Here is my quick conversation to show you what it should look like – I bet you will have better ideas than me!

Maths – Lots of amazing weighing yesterday, you all did really well with the comparing statements and your scale ideas were fab. Today we are going to look at the units of measure that we use to measure weight. Start by discussing the questions and answers below and then complete the mini task.

What did you find? If we wanted to find out exactly how much something weighed, we would need to use scales and accurately read the scales using grams or kilograms. Let’s have a go at this next and see if you can weigh the parcels (you can choose your own difficulty)

Finally, have a go at the worksheet uploaded to seesaw.

Art – After your amazing foil brooches last week, today I thought we would look at necklaces from Anglo Saxon times. Have a look at the designs below and then design your own. Think carefully about the colours you use when colouring it in as they didn’t have really bright colours.

If you wanted an extra challenge, you could have a go at creating your own necklace using things at home. You might have some beads you could use, or some pasta you could thread or you could even make your own beads from Playdoh. Here is Maisie’s Playdoh design…

Music – The next Oak academy Music lesson for you to end the day today – enjoy

See you tomorrow for Wellbeing Wednesday!

Home Learning – Tuesday 2.2.21

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