We have had another fab week in Class 3. This week we have begun a new English Unit based on the book ‘Until I met Dudley’, begun to use the skills of throwing and catching in Netball, learnt about water safety at our swimming lessons and finished our amazing paintings based on Monet.

The children were also lucky enough to have a workshop from Yorkshire Water on Thursday, it was great to have actual people in school and we all learnt lots about how the water gets to our taps.

For homework this week, I would like you to prepare for our Maths lessons next week by having a BIG practice of your timetables. Next week we will begin to look at multiplying bigger numbers and we NEED to know the basic multiplication facts in order to do this.
Please remember the end of year expectations for Year 3 are to know the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables and for Year 4 the expectation is to know all tables up to 12×12. It is very important that the children do learn them as towards the end of year 4 all children are required to complete the Multiplication Check.
More details can be found on the document below.
The children could spend time practicing on Times Table Rockstars, using the games set as 2dos on purple mash (log ins for both can be found in their reading logs), accessing some of the links below or perhaps you could reuse the multiplication game many of you made for homework back in January.
You may also find that songs help your child to remember the facts. The following links are for the 4 and 8 times table but many others can be found on YouTube.
Finally, these are previous Quick Starts we have completed in school that contain multiplication and division facts to practice – any little bit of practice really does help!