We have had another very busy week in Class 3 this week. The children have been so busy with science week, learning how to multiply big numbers, our final swimming session and a fun packed forest schools day on Friday. It really has been non stop!
We had a very exciting time on Wednesday, firstly a lighthouse appeared in the classroom!

And then we received a letter from the author of our English text asking for our help.

We decided as a class to write an explanation of how a lighthouse works and we have since been busy researching it! I have been very proud of how some of the children have completed research at home and how one child told me he is going to visit one at the weekend – I love how the children are taking an active role in their learning!!! Keep it up class 3!! I look forward to sharing our finished explanation texts with you soon.
For homework this week I would like you to make sure you have completed Mrs Platten’s reading challenge linked to Science Week. Details can be found below. We have all completed challenge 3 in school so only challenge 1 and 2 to go. I have certificates ready so remember to upload your photos to seesaw…happy reading!