This week we decided to write our blog post together as a class!

This week we have finished our explanation texts and our ‘silly’ explanations about how a lighthouse works. Here are some of our true facts…

Did you know a lighthouse could also be called a lamphouse? – Imogen

Fresnel made the lens – Thomas

There are over 100 lighthouses in the UK – Nelson

You can see a lighthouse 24 metres out to sea – Bobby

The statue of Liberty is actually a lighthouse but it doesn’t work anymore – Freddie.

We definitely know lots more about a lighthouse!

We have also learnt more about rocks and how strong they are, to do this, we completed an experiment using sandpaper. We also made branching databases to sort rocks. We are certainly becoming rock experts!

Types of Rocks - Javatpoint


We are having a big push on presentation this half term and we have noticed lots of children still find it tricky to spell the days of the week and the months of the year. Can you spell them all correctly? For an extra challenge, can you write some interesting sentences using these words? What happens in your house on a Sunday? Which nights do you go to a club or swimming? Maybe your sentences can include some answers to these questions. I can’t wait to see the date spelt correctly on all your work!

Weekly Round up (+Homework)

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