I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday and that you didn’t eat too many Easter Eggs! I hope everyone is ready and raring to go into Summer Term.
Our Curriculum
This term our theme will be: ’Rampaging Romans’. As shown below, much of our work will be based around the theme –
Please take time to discuss work with your child and if possible encourage them to complete further work, reading or research at home. Any work completed at home can be uploaded to seesaw. Please remember to save it to the ‘home learning’ folder. A few minutes of discussion with your child may highlight an area that they may feel they require further work on, and five minutes on it after school may just make them feel more confident and happy.
We will be starting off our term with ……… A ‘trip’ to Italy!!!!!
As the launch event for this term’s theme, we are going to go on a ‘virtual’ holiday to Italy. Our flight is booked for Wednesday 4th May. On this date, please send your child with a small bag and a named piece of fruit. Whilst ‘in’ Italy we hope to find out all about the culture and tourist attractions. Don’t worry our return ‘flight’ will be landing in time for home time!