Another week has flown by in Class 3 and we have been so busy.
Author – Elizabeth Green
On Tuesday we were lucky enough to meet a real author! The children loved listening to her tales and asking questions about how she thought of her ideas and started her journey.

Some of the children were very excited to buy some of her books afterwards. I can’t wait to hear people’s opinions on them!

English – Homework Challenge 1
In English this week, we have begun to look at Greek Myths. We have looked at the story of Theseus and the Minotaur and discussed the story events. Have a watch of this lego animation of the myth.
Can you narrate a voice over to it to explain what is happening? You might want to tell a member of your family or write your story down. I just need you to know the story very well as it will help us next week when we create our own myths in a similar style.
Maths – Homework Challenge 2
This week both the year 3s and 4s have been working on column addition and exchanges. Class 3, I challenge you to teach someone else how to do column addition. Perhaps your mum needs a recap, perhaps you could teach your cat or dog. Maybe you could record your ideas in the form of a poster to explain it to the world.
Use these great photos as a bit of a reminder…

Next week the Year 3 spelling focus will be ‘y’ making the ‘i’ sound in the middle of words – for example ‘myth’. Year 4 will be looking at the prefix ‘il’ such as illegal.

Art Showcase
As discussed before half term we have planned an Art Showcase session to show off our amazing artwork. Everyone should have received a text message inviting them into school to see how our Art topic progressed and the amazing pottery we all made. You are welcome to ‘purchase’ your child’s piece for a voluntary contribution. The children are very, very proud of their work and looking forward to sharing it with you! We hope to see you at…
3pm Wednesday 15th November
Have a great weekend.