Class 3 have had another busy week – this week we have all tackled column subtraction with exchanges in Maths, we have worked on planning our own myth based on Theseus and the Minotaur in English and in Science the year 3s have investigated reflective materials, whilst the year 4s have looked at solids, liquids and gases. It has been all go!

Our Art Unit
Thank you to the parents who came to look at our fantastic artwork and buy our amazing clay pots. We manage to raise just over £50 which will be used to purchase future resources for our art and design and technology work. We have our DT unit coming up soon and plan to look at some different Greek foods – you may even get an invite to taste some! (Further details to follow)

Well done to those who completed last week’s maths homework to teach someone else how to do column addition. I loved these two photos I received…

I am sure we now have some very clever animals in Brandesburton!
If you want to recap our work from this week where we have moved onto column subtraction, the following website might be useful.
Next weeks spelling patterns include the ‘uh’ sound spelt ‘ou’ for the year 3s and adding the suffix ‘ation’ for the year 4s.

Homework – English
To link to our work on myths and the amazing monsters in your story plans, I have set a 2do on Purple Mash to draw your own ‘Minotaur’. Who will be the monster in your myth? What will they look like? I can’t wait to see the half bull, half electric eel or the half unicorn, half beetle.

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs A