We have had another fab week in Class 3 this week. We have been busy finishing our addition and subtraction units in Maths, started to plan and write our myths in English and the children are loving their Science topics of Light for the Year 3s and States of Matter for the Year 4s. We really are busy, busy busy!!
We have also been continuing to enjoy our Whole Class Guided Reading Text – The Beasts of Olympus. The children have made so many great links to our History work on Ancient Greece – they really are little historians!
We enjoyed a little bit of drama linked to the book this week and it was great to see how much their expression and fluency are improving!

This weeks spellings are linked to the common exception words for year 3 and 4. They are words that the children may use regularly and just need to be able to spell.

I am not going to set any extra homework this week as we have been working very hard in class but please remember to ensure you read at least 3 times and practice spellings and timestables.
Mrs A