We had great fun on Tuesday working on balancing in gymnastics. We discussed using straight legs and arms to extend our balance.
Science – Solids, Liquids and Gases (Homework 1.10.21)
This week in Science, we have been building on our knowledge of solids, liquids and gases. We used lemonade and raisins to explore the effects of gas. Have a look at our photos to see how we observed the raisins…
Harvest Festival
Today we had great fun performing our at the Harvest Festival. It was such a shame that everyone wasn’t able to come and see us sing but as a special treat, here is our fantastic song! I’m sure you will…
Exploring Place Value (Homework 24.9.21)
Over the past two weeks we have had great fun exploring place value and the children have worked so hard to develop an understanding of hundreds, tens and ones. The year 3s have worked with 3 digit numbers and the…
Weekly Round Up!
We have had another fab week in Class 3. On Wednesday we had an amazing English lesson completing some drama linked to our story ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. I was so impressed with the children’s ideas. We filmed each…
Spelling (Homework 17.9.21)
Spelling – This week we have focused on making sure we can spell the common exception words from year 1 and 2. We have used different spelling games and purple mash to help us learn some of the trickier spellings.…
Team Building in PE
This week we had great fun in PE completing some team games. We were challenged to cross the shark infested water, pass the hoop around the circle and order ourselves on a bench. We found them tricky but with lots…
Off to a great start….building TEAM Class 3
Well, the new school year is here and Class 3 have been so busy already. We had great fun on Tuesday building our new class team and thinking about the skills we were going to need for the year ahead….perseverance,…
The End of the School Year 2020/21
Well Class 3, another year is over and what a year it was! I am so proud of how well every single one of you handled another strange year – and how, despite everything, we have completed lots of hard…
Summer Learning Pack
Summer learning packs have been set to support children in continuing to read and practise key maths and writing skills over the holidays. There are also ideas linked to our themes for next term and outdoor exploration. The activities are…