Dare to Dream
This week, the whole school has taken part in our first ‘Dare to Dream’ week focusing on local jobs in our area. We were very lucky to have the chance to meet several people and find out about their jobs.…
Another fab week
As well as the amazing models that have arrived each morning, class 3 have really impressed me with their hard work this week. We have completed some tricky addition work, worked hard looking at the features of diaries and fronted…
Stone Age Houses
I was so impressed with the fantastic models that came into school this week…You all worked so hard!!! Watch our video to see just how good they are!! I was also very impressed with all the facts you found out.…
Time flies by…
Another busy week has gone by in Class 3. We have just finished the Harvest Festival and I would like to say a massive well done to everyone for our poem performance! It was fab! If you missed it, here…
Place Value Websites
This week we will be working further on our Place Value knowledge. Do you want to try some more problems at home? Here are some websites for you to try… https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball https://www.topmarks.co.uk/place-value/place-value-charts http://www.ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/appDetails/sharkNumbersDemo_online/index.html http://www.ictgames.com/dinoplacevalue.html https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/lifeguards/index.html https://www.splashmath.com/place-value-games
OAA – Problem Solving in PE
In PE this half term we are looking at Outdoor Adventurous Activities. We started with some problem solving and team activities. We had great discussions about how we could make the activities easier and harder. We can’t wait until next…
Exploring Place Value
We have begun our Maths work by looking at Place value. We have worked hard on identifying Hundreds, Tens and Ones through lots of fun activities.
Are you ready?
Well the six weeks seems to have flown by! I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and I can’t wait to hear all about everything you have been doing and all the fun you have had! I have…
End of the Year!
I can’t believe it Class 3, the year has come to an end! We have had so much fun and made some fantastic memories. It was lovely on Tuesday sharing memories and popcorn with you! You came up so many…