Today we started our Science work linked to animals and their habitats. We had great fun at the ‘zoo’ sorting the animals into their animal groups, luckily no one got bitten!

Welcome to the blog for Class 3.
Today we started our Science work linked to animals and their habitats. We had great fun at the ‘zoo’ sorting the animals into their animal groups, luckily no one got bitten!
This week in Maths we have focused on Place Value….we have worked very hard!
For homework this week I would like you to continue working on these skills. The following websites are great to do this. (I have also added them as QR codes in reading logs)
Have fun!
Just in case anyone misplaces it, I thought it would be useful to share our class newsletter here…don’t forget the new routines with PE and reading books….
Below you will also find the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words it may be useful to quickly recap these words just to ensure your child can spell them before we begin working on the Yr3/4 words.
Today we had great fun completing challenges to build our Class 3 TEAM. We made paper chains, built towers, constructed structures, completed listening and observation challenges and even completed a scavenger hunt. It was great to see team work, perseverance, positive attitudes, concentration, listening skills and lots of good FUN! Lets hope these skills continue throughout the year!
Class 3 got off to a flying start to the year today. We spent some time sorting pegs and book bags but then we got straight to work on some activities linked to emotions, using the film ‘Inside Out’ as our starting point. We explored different feelings, talked about when we have felt in these ways and discussed what we can do to help ourselves. We also completed some amazing artwork linked to the film!
Have a look for yourself…
Wow! It seems so long since you finished school back in March when you were in Class 2 and now you will be starting Class 3! I hope you have all had a lovely Summer holiday. I have been very busy over the holidays planning what we are going to do, finding out what everyone has been doing for home learning and setting up our classroom….it already looks good but will look amazing when you are all sat in there on Tuesday – I can’t wait to see you all!
Here is a sneak preview of some photos of our classroom so far….
I’m sure you will agree it’s looking fab and is ready for all your brilliant work!
If you missed the video sent back in July or fancy watching it again the link is below, the classroom definitely looks different now!
If you do have any questions before Tuesday, please feel free to email me. If not, I will see you on Tuesday morning – enjoy your weekend!
Wow Class 3 the final day of Summer Term. Time has really flown by I cannot believe the year has ended like this. I feel sad but also very proud of how well you have dealt with the changes and how hard you have worked.
Seesaw and the blog have certainly been lifesavers for me over the last few months and allowed me to still communicate with you all and see all the fab work you have been doing. I think with almost 2500 posts in the home learning folder on seesaw – it has definitely worked for us!!
So, here is a final little goodbye message from me…(make sure you have the sound on)
Sorry about the messy hair (I’m finally getting it cut next week) and looking very tired – I am!!
Final Friday Treat
For you final Friday Treat of the Year, I thought it would be perfect to reminisce, to look back over the fun times we have had. I have picked a couple of my favourite videos but I have also added the links to my different vimeo accounts (I had to have 3 because you did soooo many videos!)
Grab a drink and a biscuit and enjoy…..
First up….the staff! It seems so long ago that I made this….
And then you guys….I was so proud of this, I felt like I had inspired you all to join in too and make your own!!!
Next up…VE Day…This video really makes me smile, you had so much fun but also remembered the importance of the event. I love the song too!
Finally, this is the best…I laugh everytime I watch Mr Mallison, I mean Arthur!
I’m sure you agree, we have had great fun! Here are the links to my vimeo accounts where there are sooo many more amazing videos – which did you enjoy?
We have all worked so hard…have a brilliant summer and stay safe. I will certainly never forget you guys and the year we worked from home! I’m going to enjoy my candles, eat my giant cookie, chocolate, haribo sweets and chocolate brownies and drink coke from my new mug! Thanks for the cards and presents xxx
Class 3 – Team Altoft – Lockdown 2020 x
Wow Class 3 – what a sporty lot you are!! Another fab week – well done!!
Lots of videos today….
Massive shout out to Lucy’s Grandma who did all of the dances!
Friday Treat
So next week is our last week of the school year and we have lots of fun activities planned for you all. I wanted to share a special Friday treat with you today, a sort of end of term present. I can’t believe what a strange year it has been, I’m sad it wasn’t a real year. You are such a great cohort and I really have loved teaching you.
So here is a special poem I wrote for you all. I have also printed out a copy for you which you will get when you collect your books.
To go alongside your poem, as another treat, I would like you to do some thing that makes you happy. It might be some colouring, a bike ride, watching a movie, playing lego…whatever you enjoy! Let me know what you do by uploading a photo to seesaw.
Have a fab weekend xxx
Class 3 Rule Lockdown 2020
Wow!! Another amazing week Class 3 – I was so impressed with everything this week….take a look yourself at just a small selection of all our work….
Monday – 45 posts!
Tuesday – 72 posts!
Wednesday – 38 posts!
Thursday – 51 posts!
Friday Treat…
It definitely looks like everyone has enjoyed art week this week, so for your Friday Treat here are some more fun art activities….Check out the first website, there are lots of fun things to explore online….I particularly enjoyed the spiral and the build games.
Or how about trying out some origami?
Or last but not least, how about getting your felt pens out for a bit more of Draw with Rob or drawing like another amazing illustrator Nick Sharratt….I can’t wait to have a go in school!
Next Week’s Theme..
It would not be a Summer Term at Brandesburton School without a Sports Week , so next week is our SPORTS WEEK…I can’t wait to see what fun you get up to!
WOW….Picnic Week definitely inspired Class 3…I am sooooo impressed. Check out some of the amazing work that was uploaded to seesaw….
Friday Treat
I was so impressed….so as your Friday Treat, I thought I would give you a few choices…
3. Or how about a quick Science Experiment…Can you create Magic Milk?
Next Week’s Theme…Creative Arts Week
Sharpen your pencil crayons, dig out your paints…its creative arts week! Hope you have fun!