Home Learning 26.3.20

Yesterday was another lovely sunny day and it looked like more fab learning took place, well done Class 3. It’s great to see how you are all keeping yourselves busy!! I hope you are not driving your grown ups mad just yet!!!

A big shout out to Zak for his fab Captain Underpants collage and also to Maisie who seemed to be very busy yesterday! Well done to everyone who took part in the scavenger hunt – Jack did it very quickly and Freddie added a worm into his hunting!

At my house, we had a morning of learning and then spent the afternoon working together on some new lego that Maisie got for Christmas. Remember things like this is still learning – we needed teamwork, instruction following, reading and perseverance!!!


I am not going to add anymore specific challenges today as I will be in school myself. Please spend time catching up on everything; maybe make a start on your ‘Trip to an unknown planet’ Holiday Brochure, practice some times tables or spellings and enjoy some reading. Please do keep up with these last three because they really are vital skills. Remember to upload to seesaw to show me what you have been doing. Below are some more web links you may find useful.




Staying Safe Online As we are all spending more time online during this time, there are some great new resources and home learning packs to help support safety online. Packs are available for different age ranges through the link below. Keep checking back as they will be updated regularly.


Andi Dawson As you may remember, during Reading Week we had a visit from local author Andi Dawson, she has now posted storytime videos on her Youtube channel :


And has also created lots of free resources and activities linked to her stories which you can download and complete:FREE resources Why not have an explore!

PARENTS – Please feel free to email if you are wanting any specific help in a certain area. I am trying to keep the activities interesting and fun please alter them to suit your child’s own interests or abilities. I would be happy to answer any questions or queries or discuss any requests or suggestions. I’ll be honest I’m finding this all very strange and I am missing the interaction of the children!! class3brandesburton@gmail.com

Thanks for all your support.

Home Learning 25.3.20

Thank you so much for all the amazing birthday wishes – you kept me smiling all day! I promise we will celebrate with cake as soon as we can!!

Well done for posting more fantastic work, it’s great to see how many people are using seesaw. Here is a little preview of some of the things I received….

Well done to many of you for completing the alphabet challenge…it was quite tricky in places! A big shout out to Nancy and Arthur who seemed to work very hard yesterday – pobble, science, alphabets and maths – keep it up!!


  1. Art/English – We did some art outside yesterday and created Mr Twit out of leaves and stones, maybe you could do something similar to show a book character from a different book, can you think of any adjectives to describe them? I will post some on here so we can guess who has been created!

2. Computing – Using 2animate on Purple Mash, can you make an animation linked to our theme of Space? You could choose a space ship flying through space or man walking on the moon – it’s upto you. Remember to save them and then I can have a look!

3. PE – I have uploaded two scavenger hunts to seesaw for the children to enjoy – one inside, one outside – get hunting!!

Have fun, stay safe!!! X

Home Learning 24.3.20

Well done to everyone who posted work to seesaw and purple mash yesterday. Its been great to receive work from over 75% of you!
It was lovely to see all the fun things you have been doing and the activities you have completed. Please keep them coming and I will continue to share them on here.

I love Jack’s Mummy’s Snack Shack, I think I need one of those for tomorrow, I have eaten a whole bag of chocolate covered raisins today! Well done to Rosie for writing a character description – I must read Dogface when we get back to school. I am impressed to see Pobble being used by Arthur, Nancy and Annabelle and also Phoebe’s fab science experiment, I remember when we did that in class 1! I hope Jack and Louisa enjoyed the Joe Wickes work out – I think we are going to try it again today!


  1. Maths – I have uploaded some more maths activities to both Purple Mash and Seesaw, feel free to work through them as you wish. At the moment I am only going to upload activities linked to areas we have previously covered as consolidation. Please let me know how you get on.
  2. Alphabet Challenge – can you think of something for each letter of the alphabet for each of the headings. Use a dictionary, an atlas or the internet to help. Please post your lists on Seesaw using the template or a photo so I can see how many words you can find. I think we will have a go too!

3. It’s my birthday today!!! Can you find a cool way to wish me happy birthday!!! Can you work out how old I am….!
(4×3) x2 + 10 + 6 – 2 = my age!

Have a lovely day. Will post again tomorrow. Stay safe!

PARENTS – If any parents are looking for activities to print out, Twinkl, a website I subscribe to is currently offering a months free access with the code
they have recently added a Home Learning Hub which could be a useful starting point.


Home learning 23.3.20

Today is the start of something new for us all, I’m not sure how long it will last or if I’m honest how it will actually work. But for now this, along with Seesaw, is our classroom!

I’m so impressed with the fab things that have been posted on seesaw already, I have loved seeing a range of tasks, challenges and creative things! You definitely have fun at home. It’s a shame you can’t see what each other has been doing but I will keep posting updates on here…

Being at home will obviously not be like being in school but please set aside some time to practice some spellings, times tables and read.


  1. A great way to start your day is with Joe Wicks’s 30 minute PE session. It will be happening on his YouTube channel everyday at 9am. 
    It will certainly wake you up ready for the day of learning ahead! Just type “the body coach” into YouTube and his channel will appear.
  2. Please choose a short novel to read (we are using the twits) to complete activities on over the next few weeks. Your first activity is to describe a character from the story, post your description on seesaw and I will see if I can guess the character and the book. I’ll share some on here for us all to guess as well.

Keep posting things in the home learning folder and let’s cover our blog in things to be proud of!

PARENTS – if anyone is struggling to work seesaw please email me and I will try to send you an email with details of a video tutorial. Thanks

Reading Week

Last week everyone was busy with all things reading.
Every class completed work linked to the text ‘the day the crayons quit’, we dressed as crayons, held reading breakfasts and had a visit from a published author. It was certainly a fun filled week!!

Here is class 3’s altered version of the story – the text message version!

and a display of some of our fab work….

More photos of the different events can be found on the main website…

Film Stars!

In the first week back after half term, class 3 took part in a filming activity to star in a promotional video for the school library service. We had great fun being filmed during our normal lessons and also being interviewed about reading. We can’t wait to see the finished video!!

For some photos of the film taking place, check out the link on the main school website…