Weekly Round-up (+ Homework)

Another fab week in Class 3 this week…exploring more of The Secret of Black Rock, displaying results of our seaside survey, solving problems linked to multiplication and exploring what is under our feet to start our rocks work in Science.

The children were so interested to find out what was underneath and we had some great discussions about the different layers. For homework this week, I have challenged them to find out the names of some different types of rock. Perhaps they could use the internet to do some research or make a piccollage of some different rocks. Perhaps they could go on a hunt to find things made of ‘rock’ around the house or garden. I hope this can then lead onto discussions about man-made and natural rocks and also the different uses of them.

Going underground: free online course reveals the secret ...

Weekly Round-up (Homework 14.1.21)

We have had another amazingly busy week in Class 3. We have begun work on our new English text ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ and started to look at multiplication in Maths.

Last Friday we set ourselves Goals to link to our Jigsaw work – it was great to see the children thinking about things they wanted to achieve – we had it all – from completing the blue trail at Dalby Forest, learning to play the recorder and tidying their bedroom. In the next few weeks we will be looking at the small steps we will need to achieve our goals. We have also started our work on coasts by finding out about the oceans of the world and we have completed some brilliant artist profiles to begin our work on Monet. We have been so busy!

I must also mention how well the children did in swimming this week. They had a great time in the pool!


For homework this week I would like you to work on learning your times tables. Please choose a times table to focus on and use times table rockstars/purple mash or the websites below to practise.




Or, if you want to be a little more creative, you could make your own multiplication game. You will find some ideas below. Have a look around the house to see what you can find to use, choose a times table to focus on and create a game. When your game is finished grab someone to play your game with. I can’t wait to see photographs of your ideas and of you playing your game.

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Please remember….

The end of year expectation for year 3 is to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times table

The end of year expectation for year 4 is to know all tables up to 12 times table.

Regular practise really is the key!

Interviewing Miss Northen

On Friday, Class 3 were very busy interviewing Miss Northen to find out more about our new Headteacher. We wrote some very interesting questions from finding out her favourite flower, her celebrity crush and whether she would rather be eaten by a crocodile or sat on by a hippo! (it was the hippo by the way!!)

Class 3 worked hard to complete piccollages to show some of her favourite things and also completed some ‘Did you know’ paragraphs of writing. Finally, we displayed our work in the corridor for everyone to see.

We look forward to finding out much more about Miss Northen over the next few weeks.

Christmas Round Up

Sorry this wasn’t posted sooner but with all the chaos of Christmas and Mrs Ledingham leaving, time just ran away with me! I was so proud of all the children in the Christmas Play and everyone enjoyed Christmas Dinner, the Rudolph Run and our Christmas Party. It was lovely to see the children enjoying ‘normal’ things again!

Weekly Round up (+Homework)

We have had another very busy week in Class 3. Money and addition has continued to be the focus in Maths. In English we have written some fab descriptions, begun to explore using speech punctuation and finished reading “The Lion and the Unicorn’. We have also looked at propaganda in our theme work, completed some fab gymnastics work and built on our hockey skills.

Yesterday, we had fun in Science, exploring how fast we could melt an ice cube – which do you think would be quickest, in water, sugar, salt, our hands or the microwave?


For homework this week, I would like you to do some internet research to link to our computing work and our theme work.

I would like you to choose one of the following subjects linked to World War Two and see what you can find out about it. Perhaps you could write some facts down, make a poster or make a picollage of images and facts linked to your idea.

You can choose from….

  • Air Raid Shelters
  • Women in the War
  • Evacuation
  • Make do and mend
  • Rationing

The following websites might be useful….


Homework (12.11.21)

This week we have enjoyed exploring jobs and money during our whole school ‘Money’ week. We talked lots about the jobs we want to do when we grow up and how we spend money. We were quite shocked to find out how much money is spent on food, cars, water and bills.

For homework this week, I would like you to explore money some more. Perhaps you could help with the weekly shop and look carefully at how much things cost. Maybe you could price up your Christmas List. I have also added two activities to seesaw to continue to build up our money skills.

I can’t wait to see what you get busy with.

Homework – 5.11.21

Well done to everyone who completed their rationing recipes – your finished products looked very yummy – I wonder how many of you cleaned up afterwards!!

I loved this photo of Josh and the concentration on his face – I must say his Cottage Pie looked so well presented at the end – it could have been served in a restaurant!!

This week in Maths, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We have explored the number of sides, corners, faces, edges and vertices.

For homework this week I would like you to see what shapes you can find around your home or outside and take some photographs/do some drawings. Can you then label them to tell me the name and the properties of the shape?

Perhaps you could go one step further and make some 3D shapes with things around your home? Have a look at the ideas below. I can wait to see what you an create. Remember to label all your shapes and their properties and upload your work to seesaw for us all to share.

I wonder if you will see any shapes in the sky from the fireworks you might watch – if you do go to firework display or a bonfire have fun and stay safe!

Mrs A