Hi again Class 3! Another fab day of learning yesterday – I received so many different pieces of work, photos and videos, I’m sorry I cant upload them all to the blog…this post would go on forever!! Here is a small selection…

Wow guys that is sooooo much!!
Today’s Challenges
I am not going to set any new things today, just to give people a chance to finish rockets, letters and science experiments. However, if you wanted one last ‘Space’ activity, this website has some cool bits on it…
As we technically finish for Easter today and it’s the end of the term, I just wanted to say how impressed I am with how well everyone has taken to online/home learning and it really has been a pleasure to ‘teach’ you all!!
I thought I would set a few tasks that you can complete over Easter if you wish (just in case anyone wants to keep a bit of structure or you get bored!!!)
- Read – choose a short novel and set yourself the challenge of reading it over the two weeks. We have now finished The Twits so I will aim to do the same with my girls. Feel free to let me know what you choose and I will let you know what we choose.
- Keep working on your times tables – I would love to hear when we come back to school that you have all learnt your 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x tables!
- Keep working on spellings. Spellings was going to be our big focus this half term but unfortunately that hasn’t happened so please make me proud by making sure you know all the year 1 and 2 common exception words and some of the year 3/4 ones.
- Make someone an Easter Card – you would have made them in school with Mrs Atkinson this week – please post your finished cards on Seesaw and I will forward them to her for her to see! I have added some ideas to seesaw to give you some inspiration if needed.
- Have an Easter Egg Hunt. I understand buying Easter Eggs could be tricky (is it an essential purchase!) so why not make some of your own out of card. You could decorate them and then cut them in half and challenge people to find the matching parts. I have posted some to seesaw if needed.
- We must keep up the Brandesburton tradition of Egg Rolling – can you find a way to have an egg rolling competition at home? Please post photos, videos and results. Maybe we could have the BIG VIRTUAL Egg Roll and if everyone measures their distance we can see whose travels the furthest!! The challenge is on Class 3!!!!
Finally, if I see anything else that looks like fun I will post it to seesaw over the two weeks so keep checking back. Also keep checking back today because I might post a little treat for you on seesaw later (I’m not promising though!!) just check later this afternoon!
Have a safe and fun Easter Holiday and I will definitely see you on Seesaw soon. Stay Home Class 3 xx
Wow Class 3 I am so impressed with all this amazing Science. I’ll be reporting back to Mrs Ledingham and Mrs Platten what great scientists you all are. we have some sharp scissors if Arthur wants to borrow them!? Happy Easter everyone xxx