Yet more brilliant home learning Class 3! I saw so many brilliant 3D shapes and super answers to the Geography challenge. I hope everyone enjoyed a film or a chill out with some music. Here is a selection of the fab work I received….

I also received some very clever videos….
And a massive 3D shape from Leo!
I received nearly 70 posts on seesaw yesterday – well done!
IMPORTANT – New ‘Home Learning Blog’ starting next week
As I explained earlier in the week, on Monday we will be changing the way we run the Class Blogs. We will move to a whole school ‘Home Learning’ blog that will be followed both in school and at home. It will be found in the same place on the school website as the Class 3 blog and will be called ‘Home Learning’.

There will be 3 activities set each day by different members of staff all based around one theme. Some activities will be differentiated across key stages others will be differentiated by outcome. Feel free to adapt and change if you need to. I wonder if you will be able to tell which activities I have posted?
As the posts will be written by different members of staff, I will be unable to post many of them as activities on seesaw but you can check the new blog and then add your work to seesaw using the + so I can see what you have done.
Please do keep uploading your completed work to seesaw as I want to see what you have been doing but also on a Friday I will post a celebration of the whole week back on our own class blog so you can see what everyone else has been doing. I might also post our normal Class 3 Friday Treat (if you work hard enough!)
PARENTS – I hope all this makes sense, please email me or message on seesaw (just add your message on a note and I will reply) if you are not sure of anything.
Right, back to today…
Today’s Challenges
English – I thought we would complete a bit more work using the ‘Teeth’ short film but today I am going to give you a choice of two activities.
Choice 1 – Watch the film again and think carefully about how this would look as a cartoon strip or an animation! Your challenge today is to turn it into a cartoon!
You can choose to draw your cartoon strip, use 2animate on purple mash or you might like to try using lego like Lachlan did earlier in the week.
If you want to draw, have a look at the images below for some ideas. Think about how you can show the teeth splashing into the water and what the two men might say to each other using speech bubbles. I can’t wait to see your creative designs….

Choice 2 – Imagine you are one of the old men and you are back home after your long day…you are texting another friend to tell them about what happened. Can you use the website to write what he would say about the day. It is the same site we used when we did our work on George’s Marvellous Medicine and I have added a recap of how to use it to the activity on seesaw. I can’t wait to see your ideas – no swearing!
Art – Photography – Today I thought we would have a little bit of fun experimenting with taking photographs and the different skills you can use. Over on seesaw I have uploaded some different challenge cards for you to try. You don’t have to complete them all, just the ones that you find interesting. You could maybe complete them as a whole family and see who can create the best photo. Try to add you creations to a pic-collage so I can see what you have been doing. Here are a few examples of the cards, these and more are posted on seesaw!…

PE – Today for PE we are lucky enough to have another Dance Session from Clare…Can you keep up with this one? I’m in school today so I will join in too, I wonder if I can make it to the end!
Have a great day…have fun!