I was really impressed with the children’s work on writing riddles linked to their Christmas presents this week. We had great fun trying to solve each others, I wonder if you can solve the ones below?
A Fresh Spring Term!
The children have made a great start to the Spring Term…I have been busy making our classroom look fab, changing displays and introducing our new theme ‘Coasts to Canals’. If anyone has any resources please send them in with your…
Christmas Round Up
Sorry this wasn’t posted sooner but with all the chaos of Christmas and Mrs Ledingham leaving, time just ran away with me! I was so proud of all the children in the Christmas Play and everyone enjoyed Christmas Dinner, the…
Weekly Round up (+Homework)
We have had another very busy week in Class 3. Money and addition has continued to be the focus in Maths. In English we have written some fab descriptions, begun to explore using speech punctuation and finished reading “The Lion…
Homework (12.11.21)
This week we have enjoyed exploring jobs and money during our whole school ‘Money’ week. We talked lots about the jobs we want to do when we grow up and how we spend money. We were quite shocked to find…
Homework – 5.11.21
Well done to everyone who completed their rationing recipes – your finished products looked very yummy – I wonder how many of you cleaned up afterwards!! I loved this photo of Josh and the concentration on his face – I…
Half Term Round-Up and Homework (22.10.21)
Well Class 3, we have made it to half term! We have been so busy, setting routines, learning new things and building our team – I am so proud of everyone of you! This week we have finished writing some…
Evacuee Day (Homework 15.10.21)
Firstly I must say how fab all the children looked today…thank you so much for helping with costumes etc. We have had a fab day exploring items from World War Two, comparing suitcases, looking at lives of children evacuated during…
Our Forest School Day
Wow Class 3, what great fun we had on Thursday at Barff House – we hunted, we built dens, made mazes, completed natural artwork, ate baked potatoes and smores and just had a brilliant time together!!! It was lovely to…