Weekly Round-up 29.9.23

I can’t believe September is nearly over and we are already a month into the school year. We have had another great week – thanks to all the parents who joined us on Thursday morning – sorry for putting you on the spot to share a describing word!! I’m sure you will agree that the describing words and the language the children developed was great. Here is the brilliant short film we are using for our English work in case you wanted a look.


I am pleased to announce that this week we had 100% of children reading 3 times or more!! I am so pleased!! So pleased that as a reward we will have a homework free week!! However, you still need to read, practice your spellings on Purple Mash and your times tables. Can we get 100% again next week!?


Our next spelling patterns will be based on the common exception words for Year 3/4 (words that we just need to be able to spell) I have set 2dos on Purple Mash.

Lets have another great week!

Weekly round up (22.9.23)

Another fab week for Class 3, it has ranged from place value work in maths to describing Rang Tan in English. From rock investigations in Science to starting to play handball in PE. The week has really been non-stop!

Our learning attitudes are good and we are working hard on our presentation and our work ethic – keep it up Class 3!

100% attendance.

Last week we all felt very proud to be the first class in the school to achieve 100% attendance for the week. Our reward was an afternoon off timetable. We have had our ‘free’ afternoon today and it has been lovely to see the children interacting with each other, chatting, drawing and playing games – I wonder if we will get another 100% week?


This week our reading percentage has dropped to 74%. Thank you and well done to everyone who has read at least 3 times. Please remember to record reading at home in reading records. Let’s see if we can improve our percentage next week. As a way to inspire you to read, here is a link to my girls and I reading a favourite bedtime story a few years ago. We hope you enjoy. Perhaps you could read a bedtime story to someone over facetime for one of your reads this week?



Well done to all those who completed their spelling 2dos on Purple Mash. I have set next week’s spelling for anyone who wants to have a practice.

Seesaw / Homework

I have had a couple of parents asking about new seesaw codes. I would like all children to just get used to accessing purple mash and times table rockstars before I decided whether to introduce another app. The children all have a homework folder in their drawer in the classroom in which to store any paper work completed at home – just send it in, parents are welcome to email homework if necessary to altoftr@brandesburton.eriding.net or can write a note in their child’s reading log to comment on completed homework.


As a one off, next week Class 3 need to come in PE Kit on Wednesday and Thursday (27th and 28th September)

Homework – Purple Mash familiarisation

This week we have all learnt how to log onto the chromebooks and then independently access Purple Mash. For homework this week, I would like your child to access their Purple Mash account and complete some of their 2dos. They will have their spelling activity but I have also added some maths games. The children may also wish to just spend some time exploring the site and the 1000s of different activities they can access. This will help the children to become more confident using Purple Mash and will consequently support their learning in school.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs A

14.9.23 – Weekly Round-up!

Class 3 have had an amazing week, we have been so busy starting all our different units of work and focusing hard on our presentation.

Firstly, I must share a highlight from last week…

Last week we focussed lots of our work on the book ‘How you do make a rainbow?’ This included reading and discussing the story, planning and writing our own poems similar to the book, completing rainbow maths activities and carrying our some AMAZING rainbow Science experiments!

Loot at our amazing results, we made rainbows and even tie-dyed our own rainbow t-shirt!!!

We plan to display some of this amazing work in the library so if you are ever in school – pop in to have a look!

This week has been equally as busy. We have all worked very hard on Place Value in Maths, begun to find out about the story Rang Tan in English and started our History work on Ancient Greece and our rocks and soils work in Science.


This week the number of children reading 3 times or more at home was 90% I am impressed with this but next week I want to try and beat it – can you read 3 times or more at home? I loved seeing all your different reading places (they are now on display in the classroom for everyone to see!) Maybe this week you could find a different place to read?


This weeks spelling focus for both the year 3s and year 4s has been homophones. We have learnt what a homophone is and used some in sentences. Next week’s focus will also be homophones. I have set the spelling quizzes for both weeks as a 2do on Purple Mash for anyone who wants any extra practice. We will award class dojo points to those who complete it.

This week’s spellings (week com 11.9)

Next weeks spellings (week com 18.9)


This week in our SPAG sessions (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) we have been looking at Common Nouns and Proper Nouns. The children will all bring home a Tarsia puzzle to complete together. The aim is to cut out all the triangles and then match them together correctly to create a big hexagon. Can they explain the difference between the two types of nouns?

If you are struggling, use this flow chart to help….

Hope you have a lovely week. Thanks to those who came to view our classroom. I hope you enjoyed seeing where your children spend so much time!

Mrs Altoft


Firstly WELCOME to the Class 3 blog! Here we will document some of the hard work we have been completing, any homework tasks that are set and all the fun that is taking place in our amazing classroom.

I am very excited to have the chance to teach Class 3 and am looking forward to lots of fun learning opportunities. The classroom is looking great and we are already working very hard.

Here is a little preview…

Important things to know…

  • Reading – Please record reading daily in your child’s home school record book. We would like to see at least 3 entries each week. All logs will be looked at on a Friday, but completed reading books can be changed any day of the week as long as it is recorded in the log with an adult signature. For those children who are continuing with RWI, your books will continue to be changed in the same way.
  • Homework – Homework will be set as challenges on the blog most weeks. Please get into the routine of checking the blog weekly. Tasks will be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Often the task will be a practical one consolidating the learning taking place at home. (See below for your first challenge)
  • – PE – Class 3 will be required to come to school in their PE kit on a Wednesday and a Friday – PE kit should be a white t-shirt, dark coloured shorts/tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a school jumper/cardigan or a plain dark coloured hoody and trainers. As we will be outside, please also send your child with a clean pair of indoor shoes to change into afterwards.
  • Fruit – Now that your child is in KS2, they no longer get a free piece of fruit. However, you are welcome to send a piece of fruit for them to eat at playtime. Please keep the fruit in their book bag or lunch box as this will be the easiest way to store it.
  • – Times Tables – Please continue to work with your child on their times tables. They were expected to know their 2,5, 10 times tables by the end of Year 2, then add their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and all tables by the end of Year 4. All Year 4’s will complete the Multiplication Check towards the end of the year so practice is very important (more details to follow later in the year) There are many games on Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars to support this learning.  Logins can be found in your child’s reading log.
  • – Spellings – As a school, we follow the Purple Mash spelling programme. Your child will be given spellings each week linked to a particular spelling pattern. Spellings will be written in your child’s reading record and they will also be able to access a quiz through Purple Mash each week.

Our topics in school

As you can see from the photographs, we will be learning about Rocks and Soils in Science and Ancient Greeks in History. If you have any resources, photos or artefacts for us to look at we would welcome them in school and promise to look after them. All resources will be returned. Thanks in advance.

Visiting our classroom

As everyone is situated in a new classroom, I would like to welcome you to come and see your child’s new classroom at 3pm on Friday 15th September. It would be lovely if you could join us and get a guided tour from your child.

Your first homework challenge….

As you can see, I have made a very inviting reading area and I can’t wait to get reading books from it! Your first challenge links to the display in the area. In the holidays I was lucky enough to sit in Charlie Cook’s chair from the Julia Donaldson book ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’ and share a story.

So, I want to know where you get caught reading! Can you get someone to take a photo of you reading in your favourite place or an unusual place and bring it into school?

You can email school with the photo and we will print it off or bring one into school. I can’t wait to display your photos in the reading area!

Finally, I’m sorry this was soooooo long with soooooo much information, but I thought it would be useful in case you needed to remember anything in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or catch me on the playground after school.

I look forward to working with you and your children

Mrs Altoft

Update from Mr Trott

Wow! How is it the last term already and only a few weeks left!  

First, I would like to say how much class 3 have made my (almost) first year of teaching so fun and enjoyable! It has been amazing seeing the children progress this year and a year I will never forget.  

During this final term the children are going to be exploring a wide range of things, which I am sure they will love. Some of them include….

  • English we are focusing on non-fiction texts and the children will be writing their very own newspaper article.
  • Science we are exploring forces, how they work and what they are.
  • We are moving away from history and moving to Geography where class 3 will be focusing on the United Kingdom.
  • Design and Technology for this term we will be looking at structures, the class will be designing and making their very own marble run.  

As you can see we have still got lots of work to do…lets get started!

Lastly I am super excited to be at Brandesburton next year and can not wait to meet you all! 

Happy New Year!

Mr Trott is extremely excited to be back. The class have settled very well and their attitudes to learning are superb.

The topic this term is ‘Tomb Raiders’. The curriculum web for this term is on our school website and can also be seen here below.

How can you help?

  • Home reading as many times as possible a week reading a range of texts
  • TT Rock Stars and times tables games
  • Research together facts about the Egyptians which are interesting to you. There are so many brilliant websites for children and fun videos on YouTube


If you would to discuss any of this, please see any of the KS2 team or Miss Northen.