Class 3 have had a great first week back. We have enjoyed being back together and it was lovely seeing the classroom buzzing again. As you can see below, we have been very busy…
I wonder what next week will hold!!
Homework – Maths – Next week we are going to begin to look multiplying bigger numbers. To make this easier, please spend some time practicing your times tables, as we will be using these skills within our work. Remember Yr 3 need to know x2, x3, x4, x5, x8 and x10 table by the end of the year and Yr4 all tables upto x12. Perhaps you could play the multiplication game you made in lockdown or access some of these games
Class 3, your work yesterday was amazing. I hope you enjoyed our new Virtual Library…I can’t wait to discuss more ideas for it with you. Here are some of the amazing videos I received….grab some popcorn and a drink, these video are worthy of Oscar Awards!
First up…enjoy Supertato….
Next…The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch…
Some Non-Fiction….The Guinness Book of World Records…
Dinosaurs star in this one (including a very cute little dinosaur!)
Lara found one of the stories from our Virtual Library and wanted to read it to us…
Finally, one of my favourites…Jasper’s Beanstalk…
I am so impressed with how your IT Skills have developed over lockdown (I bet your grown-up’s IT skills have improved too!!)
So, its here…your FINAL day of Home Learning and our second day of celebrating
Hope you have fun….
Before we get started with today’s activities, please make sure your book cover/picture you made yesterday is visible in a window/in your garden for all to see from outside – it will be needed in Activity 2.
Activity 1
We are going to start the day with a D.E.A.R session – we are going to DROP EVERYTHING AND READ!
This morning, I would like everyone, whether at home or at school, to find something interesting to read and then build a den or find a cosy spot and READ!
Perhaps you could make a crown to wear while you read.
Remember to share your photos on Seesaw so we can see you all reading – I hope to make a display back at school.
Activity 2
So, yesterday I set you the challenge of creating a book cover/picture for one of the following books and then asked you to display it in a window or your garden.
Today I would like you to go on a walk around the village to see what book covers you can see.
Here are some of the fab pictures you are looking for…
As you walk, please make a tally chart of the different books you find – you will need the results for the next part of the activity.
When you return from your walk, I would like you to create a graph to show which book you found the most. You could use Purple Mash or make a bar graph or pictogram.
Activity 3
The official illustrator for World Book Day 2021 is Rob Biddulph. If you are currently in my class, or were in my class last year, you will know that I love to try drawing like the artist himself by following his videos. For our final activity I would like you to try a ‘Draw with Rob’.
Here is the link to his you tube channel…choose a video and get drawing!
So, that’s it! You have finished your home learning journey!! As I said at the end of Wednesday’s post, well done to each and everyone of you! WE WILL SEE YOU ALL BACK AT SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!!!! Also, another massive THANK YOU and well done to all of your grown ups….you made it!!
I thought I would post this again, just in case you missed it on Wednesday…
You have made me proud guys…have a lovely weekend x
Extra World Book Note for Parents
World Book Day are holding a competition asking you to share photos from World Book Day. There are 4 different categories shared over 4 weeks – please share some of the fab work you have completed with your child.
Good Morning Guys! I loved reading your trip advisor reviews yesterday – lots of 5 star ratings were given for Viking World!!
Today’s and tomorrow’s blog posts are slightly different because…
and we thought it would be great fun to celebrate whether you are at home or school. We are sharing the same on every class blog today in order to give you the chance to work with brothers and sisters and have a little bit of fun for your FINAL 2 days of home learning.
Before we get started, I just wanted to share the World Book Day live event at 10.30am today which you may wish to watch as a family.
Right, on to our activities, I have planned a range of activities, feel free to tweak them if needed so that everyone has fun!
Activity 1
As it is World Book Day we would like to unveil something that I have been working on over the last couple of weeks…Brandesburton Primary School’s VIRTUAL LIBRARY!
For your first task this morning I would like you to have an explore of the library and choose a story or two to listen to or read.
Then choose one of these activities to complete…
Please click on the link below to take you to our library on the school website…(click on the word ‘reading’)
As you will have seen I have added an ‘Our favourite stories’ section to our library. For your next task I would like to know about your favourite book. What book do you enjoy reading?
I would like you to create an animation, cartoon or film to retell your favourite story. You could use 2animate on purple mash, you could draw it as a cartoon or you could make it as a film using objects to retell it or you could even star in the film yourself!
Here are two examples we made during the first lockdown…
I can’t wait to see what you create!
Activity 3
For your third and final activity of the day, I would like you to create something ready for tomorrow. I would like you to create a book cover/picture/model to represent for one of the following books…
I would then like you to display your picture in a window/the garden of your house. You might want to just use paper and put it in the window or make an actual model and display it in the garden. Please work as a team together as your finished piece of artwork will be very important tomorrow?!?!
I hope you have a lovely day. Remember to upload your photos to seesaw so I can see what you have been doing!
Good Morning Class 3, today is our last individual class blog post as tomorrow and Friday, we will be celebrating World Book Day as a school. So, today will have lots of finishing off and a special wellbeing post at the end – please make sure you read that far!!
As Thursday and Friday will be a little different, I thought I would post the work celebration today…I just had to share some of your fab adverts from our English work….VIKING WORLD is officially the place to visit….I am so impressed with your talents…and so pleased to hear that you enjoyed making them…
Grab a drink and a biscuit and enjoy….
They are simply fab!
Right, go get started with today’s work….
Daily Timetable
Today’s Challenges
English – I hope you enjoyed watching each others adverts – I thought they were fab! For our last English lesson, I thought we could pretend we had visited Viking World and write some reviews. Tripadvisor is a website which people use to tell others about places they have visited. Some reviews explain how great the place is, others are not complimentary. Have a look at the reviews below for some ideas….
Today I would like you to pretend you have visited your Viking World and write a review for it. You can be positive or not so positive – I will leave that choice up to you! Remember to give your theme park a rating out of 5 as well. I can’t wait to read your reviews.
Maths – For our final lesson on time, I would like you to explore how long some different things take. To start with I would like you to estimate how long a minute takes. Ask a grown up to set a timer and then tell them when you think the minute is up. How close were you? Repeat it a second time – are you closer? Maybe you could compete against someone else at home and see who can get closest to a minute.
Next, I would like you to see how many times you can complete some different tasks in a minute. First of all make an estimate the activity and then test it out. For example. I estimate I can write my name 12 times in a minute…I’ll time myself….
Ok, so I cheated a little!! I actually did it 20 times!
After that, do the same for the other activities. I wonder which activity you will be able to do the most times in a minute. Have fun experimenting!
PE – Another lesson from Mr Dineen today…you will need a pair of socks!??!
French – Our final fab French lesson from Mrs Platten today…choose a game or two to play….
Bonjour tout le monde, ça va? Hello everyone, how are you? I thought we could play a couple of games today to recap our work on animals. Click the video when you are ready to start.
If you enjoyed that game you can play against family at home or friends in the classroom on lots of different topics, as well as pets, to improve your French vocabulary. Here’s the link to the hangman game.
you will also discover lots of other games to consolidate and improve your vocabulary. Have fun exploring.
Now for another game. It’s a version of a memory game that we call Kim’s Game in English but it doesn’t have a French name so I’m going to call it Le jeu de Madame Platten!
Click on the link when you are ready.
I hope you enjoy playing games to support your learning. Au revoir!
Wellbeing – As I said at the beginning of today, this will be our last individual blog post as tomorrow and Friday we will celebrate World Book Day. So, I wanted to take the advantage to say a massive
You have all worked so hard and made me so proud. So for your final wellbeing challenge I would like you to tidy away your things and go and do something you enjoy to give your parents 5 minutes peace.
Parents, I would like you to sit down with a cup of tea (or something stronger!) and accept a massive
from me! The last 2 months really couldn’t have happened without you guys and I appreciate the time, effort and hard work you have put into helping your child!
Only 2 more days to go, I hope you will find the book related activities I have planned fun. x
Fab work again yesterday guys…only 4 days of home learning left… you can do it!!! Today you have got your adverts to film (I’ve managed to upload mine – scroll down to see it!!) and some more work on time. We are also going to look at another type of weaving and the last music session of the unit to end the day. I can’t wait to see what you achieve today. Go get started!
Daily Timetable
Design and Technology
Today’s Challenges
Spelling– Some more work on our ‘ch’ spelling pattern today. To start with can you read these ‘ch’ words? (Remember it makes the ‘sh’ sound)
I have also added a wordsearch to seesaw and I have also added the pattern to purple mash for you to practice some more. How many ‘ch’ words can you spell correctly?
Phonics – A wordsearch to start with today, choose a long vowel sound to search for…
English – So, yesterday I set you the challenge of designing your own theme park advert for ‘Viking World’. Today I would like you to film it. Think carefully about how you may present your film. You might want to star in the advert yourself, use toys for example lego or playmobil to set up your scene or draw pictures as part of your advert. It may be useful to do a combination of them so you can get your message across. I can’t wait to see what you create….Here is mine…very quickly put together last night!
(Just in case anyone was wanting to do something similar, the filter is from snapchat and then I used an app called Quik to put it together with the photographs)
I hope you have fun creating your advert – maybe you could get all the family involved like i did!!
Maths – Today, lets start with a bit more Chuckle Maths….
Can you explain the mistake the Chuckle Brothers made?
If you are a year 3, today I would like you to complete some more work on am and pm. I have added some questions to seesaw for you to work through.
If you are a year 4, today I would like you to look at the 24 hour clock – if the Chuckle Brothers had used that, they wouldn’t have made a mistake. Firstly, look at these slides which explain how the 24 hour clock works…
Next, explore this website to see further how the 24 hour clock works…
Finally, I have uploaded some questions to seesaw for you to try, complete as much as you can – they do get trickier.
Design and Technology– After all your amazing weaving last week, I thought today we would look at a different type of weaving based on a circle. Here a very technical version, ours will be a bit simpler.
Have a look at the instructions below and have a try for yourself.
A paper plate may also be useful to use for the circle method. You could even try half a circle to create a sort of rainbow?
I can’t wait to see what you create – have fun!
Music – The 6th and final lesson on duration for you today….enjoy
IT’S THE FINAL WEEK OF HOME LEARNING – This time next week we will be back in the classroom!! So, for one last week – let’s make a massive effort to work hard so we are ready for Monday! A quick reminder – Please remember to send me a selfie if you haven’t already – I would like to do something with them later this week!?!
So, this week, we have got some more work linked to our theme park Viking World, a little more on telling the time and some more work linked to the Vikings – Let’s get started!
Daily Timetable
Today’s Challenges
Spelling– Today we explore another spelling pattern, ‘ch’ making the ‘sh’ sound for example in words such as chef, chute and chalet. To start with, can you complete this wordsearch…
Next, I would like you to choose your task to practice the words below. I have added 6 choices of task…you can choose!
Phonics – A little more long vowel practice today, to start with, let’s practice your reading, have a go at ‘poop deck pirates’ choose the phase 5 tab and then two long vowel sounds to practice. Can you read the real and nonsense words?
Next, some writing, can you practise your split digraphs by writing the words to match the photos?
English– I enjoyed looking through all your maps and leaflets so much that I thought we needed to do some more work on ‘Viking World’ this week. Today and tomorrow I would like to set you the challenge of making your own theme park TV advert. To begin with I would like you to have a watch of the following theme park adverts and talk about what they show.
Next, I would like you to plan your advert ready for filming tomorrow. You might want to star in the advert yourself, use toys for example lego or playmobil to set up your scene or draw pictures as part of your advert. Please spend today getting your ideas together ready to film tomorrow. I have added a template to seesaw which may be helpful.
Here is a quick plan for my advert – if I get chance to record it tonight after school, I will put it on the blog tomorrow.
Maths– For our work on time today, I would like us to explore ‘am’ and ‘pm’. To start with work through this session from the Oak Academy to find out what ‘am’ and ‘pm’ mean…..
Next, I would like you to think about things you do during the day. Can you sort them into ‘am’ and ‘pm’? Split your paper down the middle and write ‘am’ at the top of one side and ‘pm’ on the other side. Can you draw some different events throughout your day? As an extra challenge, try to write the time you do each one using digital time. Here are a few ideas to help….
Theme – For our theme work today, I would like to look at where the Vikings came from and where they invaded. From last week, can you remember what countries they came from?
Today, I would like you create your own Viking Invasion Map. (sheets can be found on seesaw)
For an extra challenge, can you label some towns and cities on the map that the Vikings settled in?
Computing – So, last week we found out what animation was and had a go at some early animation devices. Today I would like you research an early animator. I have found two for you to look at. The first you will have all heard of ,Walt Disney, and the second is less well known, Lotte Reiniger. I would like you to choose one person and using the following websites and videos, make me a fact file about them. I have added two fact file templates to seesaw for you to use if you wish.
Wow Class 3 it is Friday again! I like Friday’s because I get to share some of your fab work with everyone – there was so much of it this week that it was hard to choose – I have gone with your amazing Theme Park Maps…introducing VIKING WORLD….
They are so good! Right, onto today, I can’t wait to see all your finished theme park leaflets, I’ve posted someone’s below to give you some ideas – it is very impressive! There are also some maths games and the chance to finish off. Have a lovely weekend when it comes! Go get busy!
Daily Timetable
Sentence Structure/Grammar
Finishing off
Friday Treat
Today’s Challenges
Sentence Structure/Grammar – The final session from Oak Academy on complex sentences for you to complete first this morning. Listen carefully and pause the video as required. Maybe you could try to include some of these sentences in your theme park leaflet.
English – As I said yesterday, I would like you to complete your theme park leaflet today. When you have added all the writing and information in, perhaps think about the colours you could use to make it more attractive and appealing. Have a look at these great examples….
If you want an extra challenge, you could add further detail to the other side of your leaflet giving the reader more detail about rides and special events at the park – maybe you could have an Annual Battle Day where everyone dresses up as a Viking! If you wanted to do even more, you could design a ticket!
I can’t wait to see your finished leaflets. If they are as good as your maps, I will be very proud!
Maths – To continue our work on time, I have found some games for us to play. The following websites may be useful and I have saved some different activities to seesaw – it will all be good practise!
RE – Who celebrated pancake day last week? Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday is when Christians use up all ingredients in their cupboards so that they can start Lent the next day.The ingredients – eggs, flour, milk – used to be very common things for people to give up for Lent, so it made sense to use them all up.Lent is the time up to Easter, the most important time in the Christian calendar. Have a watch of the video to find out why we have lent.
Have you or any of your family given anything up for lent? What could you give up? Have a chat as a family and maybe think of something you could do.
Finishing off – Have a look back through the blog and see what you need to finish off. Perhaps you need to complete your leaflet or create your Viking timeline. If you have nothing to complete – it is onto the Friday Treat.
Friday Treat – As I am in school today, I thought we would end the week with a drawing session. In half term, I spent a lot of time drawing with my girls. Maisie likes to use Kids Art Hub so I thought we could use one from this site today! Maisie’s favourite’s are the folded art ones, I have posted two for you to choose from but there are literally hundreds on the site if you want something different….enjoy drawing!!
Have a lovely day and a fab weekend. See you on Monday for our final week of home learning!!!!
Good Morning Class 3, I thought today’s Bitmoji was appropriate after all your fantastic theme park designs. I hope you all enjoyed getting a little creative for our English lesson – you have another challenge today linked to all your fab ideas. We also have some more work on time, a bit more work on Vikings and a PE session to end the day – I hope you enjoy – go get busy!!
Daily Timetable
Guided Reading
Today’s Challenges
Guided Reading – For Guided Reading today, I thought we would use a leaflet for a place to visit as it will help us with the English task below. Have a read of the information about Creepy Crags and then answer the questions linked to the text. Both the questions and the leaflet are saved on seesaw.
English – I absolutely loved your maps and ideas yesterday – I definitely think we have some budding theme park designers in Class 3! Today I would like you to make a leaflet to go with your map to tell people about the park and what is on offer. Because this is quite a big task – please spend time today and tomorrow completing it if necessary. I would like you to include headings and subheadings, bullet points and pictures. Have a watch of this video for some useful hints and tips…
Also use the leaflet from the guided reading task to magpie ideas – You might want to include quotes from visitors and details about the rides like they did.
You might even want to include offers like the ones below…
I can’t wait to see your finished leaflets tomorrow.
Maths – Today we are going to move onto look at digital time. Firstly, have a look at these slides.
Can you set the clock you made or the clock on the link to the following digital times….
Next, can you match up these cards?
Finally, I have added a further activity to seesaw. Go get practising!
Theme – I thought today we would have a look at timelines linked to the Vikings. Can you remember what a timeline is? We worked on them linked to wind turbines in Autumn Term and you also made some fab timelines about your own lives at the start of Spring Term. Today I would like you to make your own Viking timeline. Have a look at the events below. Can you put them in order to create a timeline? The pictures are saved on seesaw if you want to print them out but don’t feel you have to, you could just write them down and draw your own pictures.
PE – Something to get active with to end the day today. Try a PE session with Mr Dineen…make sure you have a drink handy…go for it!
Wow Class 3 – over 120 pieces of work submitted yesterday – you were on FIRE!! Fantastic work guys – well done – this bitmoji is definitely appropriate!! Right let’s get busy with some more fantastic work today….I think you will all enjoy our English task today! Go get started!!
Daily Timetable
Today’s Challenges
English – Now we know what features are needed for an information leaflet/map, your next challenge is to design your own map…for the theme park below…
Today I would like you to design a map for the theme park….you will need to think carefully about the rides, the different areas that make up the theme park, the food outlets and things such as toilets, first aid and the shops. Remember the theme park is named ‘Viking World’, what links can you make to the Vikings and what rides can you invent to link to the theme?
Your map might look something like this…
Please only do your map today. Tomorrow we will focus on the leaflet about Viking World. I can’t wait to see what rides you include!
Maths – Today we will continue to look at telling the time. To help us we have an Oak Academy lesson to watch. Please watch carefully and pause when asked. I have also added some clocks to seesaw for you to work on. If you wanted to complete a different set of questions from yesterday, please do so, they are still set as activities on seesaw. Telling the time can be a tricky concept to grasp – so keep practising!
Science – This half term in Science, we are going to move onto explore Sound. To start with we are going to explore how sounds are created. Let’s start by watching this video…
Next, I thought it would be fun to carry out some experiments to see and feel how the vibrations work, discuss with an adult at home which you can complete depending on what equipment you have at home…
4. Make a bottle orchestra – explore what happens when you blow over the top of the bottles containing different amounts of water.
I can’t wait to see what experiments you choose and what you find out.
French – Another fab French lesson from Mrs Platten today….Everything you need to know today is on the video below, so when you are ready, get watching! You will need to watch right to the very end of the video if you want the answers to the first two activities!
Finally I am going to read you a traditional tale that you will be very familiar with in English. In fact, if you have siblings in Foundation Stage or Class Two, they looked at this story before half term in science and English too. It is the tale of the Three Little Pigs. There is no activity for this video, I just thought it would be a nice way to end our mini-theme on animals and you will be able to see how the French is written as well as spoken. ‘La marmite’ does definitely not mean the same thing as in English!
Wellbeing – A really simple one to end the day today, I would like you to post a selfie of yourself on seesaw!? Please try to do it by the end of Friday as I hope to do something with them next week!
An amazing start to the half term yesterday guys – well done! I guess you will have heard the news that we have a date to return to school – only 9 school days of home learning to go! I look forward to seeing you all back in school soon, all I ask is that you continue with the hard work until then – you all all doing so well!!
Right, let’s get busy with today…
Today’s Timetable
Design and Technology
Today’s Challenges
Spelling – I loved your silly sentences yesterday, Mrs Gell and I had lots of fun reading them in school. Here are some of our favourites….
This then led to an interesting fact….Mrs Gell has met Boris Johnson!!! Here is the proof….
Anyway, back to spelling! To start with this morning, I have saved the spelling pattern quiz on purple mash for ‘cian’. Remember to change the timer to 10/20/30 seconds – this spelling pattern is tricky! Next, can you complete the crack the code words saved on seesaw?
Phonics – Today we will focus on writing using our long vowel sounds. Choose a word from the list, can you write this word into a sentence? Then choose another word. Can you write another sentence to continue your writing using this new word. How many words can you include? Don’t forget your capital letters and full stops.
For example….One day an ape made a cake on his stove. He used fruit and ice and a leaf. After 10 minutes in the stove it turned into a pie not a cake!
English – Fab work yesterday looking at a range of leaflets from theme parks. Today, I would like you to look closely at one theme park map of your choice and see if you can find some more different features of information texts on it. I have uploaded the maps to seesaw again so you can use the text box tool to add labels to show the features. (unfortunately the image quality isn’t great on some of them, sorry)
Which of the following features can you find?
Your finished work might look something like this…
Maths – Today we are going to work again on telling the time and making sure we can tell the time accurately. I have added three different activities to seesaw, one focussing on telling the time using hour/half past/quarter past/to, one to the nearest 5 minutes and the other one practising to the nearest minute – I would like you to choose your own starting point today like we sometimes do in class. Remember to use your clock to help you.
Design and Technology– After all our fab art work on brooches and necklaces, we are now going to move onto our technology unit for the term – textiles. I thought we would begin by looking at a skill that the Vikings used – weaving. The Vikings used weaving to make their clothes, sails for their ships, decorations for their houses, blankets, bags and more.
To start with have a watch of the video below. Then talk with a grown up about the materials you could use at home.
If you haven’t got any wool, ribbon or ripped up pieces of fabric also work well.
If you have not got any thick card or wool, you could try one of the ideas below using paper or items from outside.
I can’t wait to see what you create – have fun!
Music – If you have time, some music to end the day – the next lesson on duration – enjoy