Morning Class 3, I hope you had a great half term and managed to enjoy some nice family time together both inside and out. We did lots of drawing and playing games but my greatest achievement was laying a new bathroom floor! Right, on with Spring 2…To start with this morning, have a look at some more of your amazing Battle Day work from before the holidays, I couldn’t let it go by without sharing it with you all….

So, this week we are going to focus on the Vikings and find out more about their way of life, we are also going to get busy with telling the time in Maths and I’ve got a cool English unit planned. Let’s go get busy….
Daily Timetable
- Spellings/Phonics
- English
- Maths
- Theme
- Computing
Today’s Challenges
Spelling – For my spelling group, I would like to explore another ‘shun’ spelling pattern. Before half term we explored the patterns spelt ‘sion’ and ‘tion’ but there is another way…’cian’ Can you think of any words containing this spelling pattern? Have a look at the list below, I always think of this as the ‘job spelling’.

Which job would you prefer to do? First lets have a go at a wordsearch.
Next, lets play a game of silly sentences, below are some sentence starts containing some of your spelling words. Can you read the sentences below and then complete each one to create a silly sentence, for example, Billy wants to be a magician when he is older because he dreams of sawing his sister in half! I can’t wait to see what silly sentences you can think of.

Phonics – (Remember only Mrs Prince’s phonics group need to complete this) I thought this week we would have a recap of all the long vowel sounds together. To start with, have a go at this game, you will need to tick the following sounds to practice what we learnt before half term…

Next, try this game of whack-a-mole to practice reading your words with long vowel sounds.
English – I thought we would take a break away from Fiction and have a little bit of fun with Non-Fiction for the next two weeks. I was talking to my girls over the holidays about what we miss at the moment and one of the things that was discussed was days out and particularly ‘theme parks’ so I thought we would base our English work on theme parks! (There is a link to Vikings coming in a few days!)
Firstly, let’s look at the maps and leaflets of the parks – we would call these a type of information text/leaflet. I have saved some of them on seesaw for you to take a look at, can you find the different features in each of the leaflets and complete the table below? (Some columns will just need a tick or a cross, others will need a little example)

I wonder which theme park you will like the look of the most.
Maths – We are going to move onto a new Maths unit looking at telling the time. If you are a year 3, you need to be able to tell the time to the nearest minute and if you are a year 4 you need to be able tell the time to the nearest minute, to convert between analogue and digital and to begin to use the 24 hour clock. Your challenge today is to make your own clock so you can use it to help with our work. (Year 4 – can you add numbers to also show the 24 hour clock?)

Next, I would like you to set your clocks to some given times. I have added some images to seesaw for you to work through. Some slides will just be a useful recap to get us thinking about moving around the clock and using the correct language.
Next, you may want to try these games…
Keep your clock safe because it will be useful later in the week.
Theme – Right, let’s get busy with the Vikings. To start with we are going to look at who they were. Take a look at this short video.
Today, I would like you to create a booklet or poster of Viking facts that you have found out. You may want to use purple mash to display your work or get creative with a pen and paper – I’ll leave that choice up to you. Feel free to do further internet research if you wish to add further details.
Computing – Our Computing unit for the half term is Animation, have a read of the image below to find out what animation is.

I thought we would start by looking at early forms of animation in the days before computers. Below are two types of animation that were used…

Your challenge today is to try to make one, or both of these. I have included some instructions on seesaw for you to follow. Perhaps you could make your thaumatrope or flick book linked to our Viking theme – I can’t wait to see what you create.
Have a lovely day x