Home Learning – Monday 22.2.21

Morning Class 3, I hope you had a great half term and managed to enjoy some nice family time together both inside and out. We did lots of drawing and playing games but my greatest achievement was laying a new bathroom floor! Right, on with Spring 2…To start with this morning, have a look at some more of your amazing Battle Day work from before the holidays, I couldn’t let it go by without sharing it with you all….

So, this week we are going to focus on the Vikings and find out more about their way of life, we are also going to get busy with telling the time in Maths and I’ve got a cool English unit planned. Let’s go get busy….

Daily Timetable

  1. Spellings/Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Theme
  5. Computing

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – For my spelling group, I would like to explore another ‘shun’ spelling pattern. Before half term we explored the patterns spelt ‘sion’ and ‘tion’ but there is another way…’cian’ Can you think of any words containing this spelling pattern? Have a look at the list below, I always think of this as the ‘job spelling’.

Which job would you prefer to do? First lets have a go at a wordsearch.

Next, lets play a game of silly sentences, below are some sentence starts containing some of your spelling words. Can you read the sentences below and then complete each one to create a silly sentence, for example, Billy wants to be a magician when he is older because he dreams of sawing his sister in half! I can’t wait to see what silly sentences you can think of.

Phonics – (Remember only Mrs Prince’s phonics group need to complete this) I thought this week we would have a recap of all the long vowel sounds together. To start with, have a go at this game, you will need to tick the following sounds to practice what we learnt before half term…


Next, try this game of whack-a-mole to practice reading your words with long vowel sounds.

English – I thought we would take a break away from Fiction and have a little bit of fun with Non-Fiction for the next two weeks. I was talking to my girls over the holidays about what we miss at the moment and one of the things that was discussed was days out and particularly ‘theme parks’ so I thought we would base our English work on theme parks! (There is a link to Vikings coming in a few days!)

Firstly, let’s look at the maps and leaflets of the parks – we would call these a type of information text/leaflet. I have saved some of them on seesaw for you to take a look at, can you find the different features in each of the leaflets and complete the table below? (Some columns will just need a tick or a cross, others will need a little example)

I wonder which theme park you will like the look of the most.

Maths – We are going to move onto a new Maths unit looking at telling the time. If you are a year 3, you need to be able to tell the time to the nearest minute and if you are a year 4 you need to be able tell the time to the nearest minute, to convert between analogue and digital and to begin to use the 24 hour clock. Your challenge today is to make your own clock so you can use it to help with our work. (Year 4 – can you add numbers to also show the 24 hour clock?)

Next, I would like you to set your clocks to some given times. I have added some images to seesaw for you to work through. Some slides will just be a useful recap to get us thinking about moving around the clock and using the correct language.

Next, you may want to try these games…




Keep your clock safe because it will be useful later in the week.

Theme – Right, let’s get busy with the Vikings. To start with we are going to look at who they were. Take a look at this short video.


Today, I would like you to create a booklet or poster of Viking facts that you have found out. You may want to use purple mash to display your work or get creative with a pen and paper – I’ll leave that choice up to you. Feel free to do further internet research if you wish to add further details.

Computing – Our Computing unit for the half term is Animation, have a read of the image below to find out what animation is.

I thought we would start by looking at early forms of animation in the days before computers. Below are two types of animation that were used…

Your challenge today is to try to make one, or both of these. I have included some instructions on seesaw for you to follow. Perhaps you could make your thaumatrope or flick book linked to our Viking theme – I can’t wait to see what you create.

Have a lovely day x

Home Learning – Friday 12.1.21

Class 3, what can I say!! You are officially amazing Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Your work yesterday was so good and you battled so well!! I have never seen such a cool collection of costumes, shields, helmets and even axes, plus your dens were the best! I hope you all enjoyed our battle day!

Take a look for yourself…

So much fab work – just from one day!!!!

Another different day today as we are going to continue our Viking theme…

Just in case anyone wants to – like yesterday we have the chance to join in with the Jorvik Centre’s live sessions. If you missed yesterday’s, here is the link to today’s at 10am and 2pm. (I think the content will be very similar to yesterday)


Today’s Tasks

  1. Rune messages
  2. School Trip
  3. Jorvikanory (optional)
  4. Viking Games
  5. Art

Right, onto today’s challenges…

Activity 1 – To start with let’s go back in time and solve some rune messages…here are some of the messages I received from you guys on Tuesday and the alphabet to help you. Can you solve the messages?

Hint, lots of the messages link to the white stuff that was on the ground on Tuesday!!

Activity 2 – We are going on a….

Well, a virtual one! Click on the link below for a trip around the Jorvik Viking Centre!


Wow! I hope you enjoyed that. Next, I would like you to make a poster or information sheet to explain some of the things you found out and saw. Please add drawings and facts to make it look really effective.

Activity 3 (optional) Jorvikanory – As part of their Jorvik thing, the Viking Centre has arranged for some authors to talk about and read some of their books set in Viking times. Have a click of the link below and choose one to have a listen to, you never know, you might enjoy it so much that you want to get the book yourself.


Activity 3 – Viking Games

The Vikings liked to play different types of board games. Have a watch of this video to find out about a game called Hnefatafl.


It sounds a little bit confusing to me!

Another game they used to play was called Nine Mens Morris. Have a go for yourself…(this is a bit simplier – I managed to get the hang of it but didn’t win!)


Activity 4 – So, now we are officially Vikings and after half term, we will continue to explore more about Viking way of life. For your last challenge today, I would like you to draw a Viking…(perhaps you could be super clever and stick a photo of yourself in the face part to truly become a Viking!)

I can’t wait to see your finished pieces of artwork!

Have a lovely half term. Stay safe and I will see you online on Monday 22nd February.

Mrs A

Home Learning – Thursday 11.2.21

Morning Class 3 – only 2 more days until half term! Well done for all your work yesterday, I loved your fab stories and your outfit designs, plus even more snow photos!! A bit of a different day today – if you solved the messages in the Anglo Saxon Runes on Tuesday, you will know that today is….

Today we plan to move onto Vikings through a fun day of building, battles and invasions. (Feel free to wear your outfits you made yesterday if you wish!) – go and get busy!!!

A quick link that may be interesting to you….The Jorvik Viking Centre have set up a livestream at 10am and 2pm. You may wish to have a watch; the link is below.


Today’s Tasks

  1. Building Battle Equipment
  2. Building your den or hideout
  3. Plan and carry out your ‘steal’
  4. Animation of your battle (optional)

Activity 1

If we are going to have an Anglo-Saxon or Viking battle, we need the equipment to do so.

Start by watching this video about helmets to give you some ideas…


Your first challenge is to make a shield, helmet, sword and/or axe. Think carefully about your designs and then use some card to make them. Remember to add your runes message from Tuesday so we know your equipment belongs to you.

Here is a link to show you how to make a shield… https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/ideas/kids/how-to-make-a-viking-shield

And one for a helmet… http://www.stormthecastle.com/how-to-make-a/make-an-easy-viking-helmet.htm

Feel free to follow them or just come up with your own design – I can’t wait to see your finished pieces of battle equipment – remember to post your work on seesaw.

Activity 2

Your next challenge is to build your den or hideout. If you are going to attack, you need somewhere to base yourself until the correct moment to make a move. You might want to use cushions in the living room or get outside and build your den in the garden. Wherever you choose, be sure to post a photograph of you inside your den – maybe you could have your lunch in there! (although you may get a little cold outside!)

Some ideas….

Activity 3

Your next challenge needs a bit of imagination, I want you to carry out a ‘steal’ or ‘invasion’. You can do this in a number of ways. First you need to make something to ‘steal’ this could be a piece of jewellery or some coins.

Next, you could ask a grown up to hide your coins or you could hide them and make a map for someone to find them or you could hide some and a brother or sister could hide some and you could try to find each others. I can’t wait to see how you decide to do this task. Please let me know how you got on – take photos!!

Activity 4 (optional)

Your final challenge is to create an animation of your battle/a viking battle. You could use 2animate on Purple Mash, you might want to create an animation using lego or even make a video using yourself using the equipment you made this morning! It is up to you. Our computing topic after half term will be animation so I can use this task as an idea of our starting points after the holiday.

I hope you enjoy the day and have lots of fun becoming a Viking. I can’t wait to see how you attacked the day on seesaw – please post lots of photos – I’m missing you guys!! Mrs A

Home Learning – Wednesday 10.2.21

Morning Class 3, I must start with one word….SNOW!!!….well done to everyone who enjoyed the snow and also got some work done – no worries if you didn’t get much work done – I will forgive you!! By the look of the photos you all had so much fun – and that is very important! Have a look for yourself…

Such fab photos guys! I have included Maisie and Matilda’s little snowman – the one with the red scarf – don’t you think he is cute!!!

Right, onto today…as I explained yesterday, I have not posted any maths today as the English task may take you quite a while, so just guided reading, English and some more theme work today…go get busy!

Today’s Timetable

  1. Guided Reading
  2. English
  3. Theme

Today’s Challenges

Guided Reading – After all your amazing work yesterday linked to runes, I thought it would be interesting to find out more about them. Have a read of this information and then answer the questions about it.

English – So, yesterday we all worked hard on designing and describing our hero and monster for our own myth stories. Today I would like you to write your story. First use the planning sheet to jot down your ideas.

Next, talk through your story with a grown up, using the story mountain below. We often do this in school to help us order our ideas. The problem would be when the monster does something bad and the resolution would be when your hero sorts it all out – you need to think carefully about how it all happens in between!

Image result for story mountain

Then get busy writing. Remember to think about paragraphs and punctuation. Hopefully you can include some of the grammar work we have been doing on a Friday within your work.

I had a quick go at writing my own story. I decided to set my story in a forest. My ‘monster’ is a big bad mouse and my ‘hero’ an owl. Here is my plan….

And here is my story. I have added notes to show you where each part of the story mountain fits in. Have a read of mine to help you a little more.

Please don’t worry if your story isn’t perfect, in school we would have spent a little more time on it but due to battle day and half term we have simply run out of time. – Just try your best and I look forward to reading your stories.

Parents – If you think a story may be a step too far, please complete it as a story map or cartoon in order to still allow your child to explain their fab ideas.

Theme – So, from our runes task yesterday, you now know that tomorrow will be BATTLE DAY. Your challenge this afternoon is to find out about what the Anglo Saxons and Vikings wore and then design an outfit for them. You can either design an outfit for yourself (and even wear it tomorrow!) or make one for a doll or figure (such as a Barbie doll or action figure)

The following websites will be useful for finding out what they wore. A simple google image search will also give you lots of ideas.




I have included a template on seesaw incase you want to use it to plan your design.

We had a quick go at the weekend and this was our finished outfit.

Remember to check before cutting up material – ours was only made from a pair of pants! I can’t wait to see your designs and I am even more excited to see if you wear them yourselves on Thursday!

Have a lovely day. Mrs A

Home Learning – Tuesday 9.2.21

Morning Class 3, I hope you all managed to enjoy the snow yesterday in between your school work! We had fun outside at playtime and I had fun after school with a spot of sledging with my girls. If there is more snow this morning, please do find some time to enjoy it – we don’t get it very often! Maybe you could complete your theme task in the snow!

Looking at yesterday’s work – Well done for all your work on Sutton Hoo – you were very good historians and archaeologists to discover the artefacts belonged to King Raedwald.

Right onto today…

Today’s Timetable

  1. Spellings/Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Theme

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – Some more practise of our spelling pattern ‘tion’ to start the day today. Can you find all the words in the wordsearch?

https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/phonicFinder/index.html (click on ‘tion’ on the right hand side)

Can you complete the crossword using ‘tion’ words? (saved on seesaw)

I have also added some ‘tion’ words to purple mash if you want to practise some more.

Phonics – More work on the long vowel ‘u’ sound today. To start with have a watch of Mr Thorne exploring the split digraph ‘u_e’

Next, can you make your way through the maze only clicking on the long vowel ‘u’ sounds. Remember to read each word to see if it makes the ‘oo’ sound (for example blew) or the ‘u’ sound (for example push)


English – So, now we all know the story of Beowulf. It is the story of a hero who overcomes bad and saves the people. Today I would like you design your own hero and monster to then write your own story using these new characters tomorrow. Just to make it a little easier, your story does not need to be set in Anglo Saxon times and can if you wish be set in modern day. I would like you to draw both of your characters and write some words around them. Think about the following questions to help you with your ideas…

I can’t wait to see your ideas…I wonder if anyone will star as the hero in their own story?

Maths – This will be our last lesson on weight as tomorrow I thought I would just set guided reading and English in order for you to have enough time to write your stories. I thought we would complete some problem solving linked to adding and subtracting different weights. I have saved the questions on seesaw. Remember to read them carefully, don’t worry if you cannot complete them all, they do get trickier as they go through – good luck!

Theme – Today we are going to explore Anglo Saxon Runes. Runes were letters used by the Saxons to write short messages of ownership, like “This belongs to Beowulf” or messages on gravestones for example, ‘Here lies Grendal’

Here is one copy of the runes, often they are found looking slightly different, why do you think this could be?

Today we are going to carry out some activities using them. First of all I would like you to solve this message…It will give you a clue about what we have planned for Thursday…

Next, I would like you to write your own name using the runes. You could draw it straight onto a piece of paper or if you wanted to be a little more creative, you could make your own set of runes out of pieces of paper, match sticks, pieces of wood or even stones and write a different rune on each one. You could then use them to create your name.

Image result for anglo saxon runes images on stones

After that, can you write me a secret message to solve. I will post a few of them on the blog on Thursday or Friday for us all to solve.

Have a great day. Mrs A

Home Learning – Monday 8.2.21

Wow Class 3, it’s the final week of Spring 1. Looking back it certainly hasn’t been the half term I expected back in the first week of January but I can honestly say I am so proud of you – you have all worked so hard!

For the last week before half term, we are going to do things a little differently. We are going to focus our afternoon work and all day Thursday and Friday on our theme so we can complete our work on the Anglo Saxons and start to look at the Vikings. We also plan to take advantage of a special event that the Jorvik Centre are planning later in the week – we hope it will all be fun!

A couple of advance warnings for the week…Wednesday – you will need some pieces of fabric to design outfits. Thursday – If you are in school you will need to come dressed in warm clothes and everyone (at home and at school) will need some cardboard to make shield/helmets. (I thought it would help by telling you in advance)

Right, onto today!

Daily Timetable

  1. Spellings/Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Theme

Today’s Challenges

Spelling A final spelling pattern for the half term, another way of making the ‘shun’ spelling pattern, this time – ‘tion’. Again there are lots of words that use this spelling pattern so we will just explore it rather than learn the words for a test. I have added some examples below, can you use these words in sentences? Don’t forget your neat joined handwriting and correct punctuation.

Next, lets have another go at whack-a-mole, last week this game was very popular in school. This time look out for the ‘tion’ words

Phonics – So, we have covered ‘a, e,i, and o’ now so this week we need to look at the final long vowel sound ‘u’. We already know ‘oo’ makes the ‘u’ sound but ‘ue’, ‘ew’ and ‘u_e’ also make this sound. Have a watch of the Mr Thorne video below that explores ‘ew’

Next, have a look at the forest phonics website and have a practise using the ‘ew’ sound.


English – Your drawings and descriptions of Beowulf last week were brilliant. Today we are going to look at the final part of the Beowulf story. Before we start, I would like you to make a prediction, the end of the second part ended with this image…

Who do you think this could be? What do you think is going to happen next? Discuss your prediction with a grown up. Watch the video below of me reading the whole story or click on the link for the final part of the BBC version of the story


For the first part of your English work today, I would like you to complete your story map to show the final part of the story. If you do not have your story map or have run out of space – you could complete the sequencing activities on seesaw, or you are welcome to complete both!

Maths – Back to weight, today we are going to look at comparing different measurements and converting between grams and kilograms.

Start by watching this video of the Chuckle Brothers (I used to love watching them when I was little – If you don’t know who they are ask your parents!)


Just like the Chuckle Brothers did, I would like you to do some converting of grams and kilograms also linked to fruit. Have a look at the sheet below (also on seesaw) can you work in both grams and kilograms to complete the table? Remember

Image result for 1kg = 1000g clipart

Don’t worry if you can’t manage all of the items in the table – just do what you can…

Theme – Today we are going to be archaeologists and historians, we are going to explore a site called ‘Sutton Hoo’. To start with have a read of the information below to find out where and what Sutton Hoo is.

So, we know that remains were found there, but there was no body. Your challenge today is examine the artefacts that were found and decide who they may have belonged to. Was the person rich or poor? Were they old or young? I would like you to look at the artefacts and make some decisions. I have added the artefacts and some questions to answer to seesaw to help with your ideas – you can either answer these or display your findings as a piece of writing, pictures or a video. Maybe you could make a video as if you were live from the scene reporting on what had been found.

Here are the artefacts for you to explore….

This website may also be helpful to click through and read the information with a grown up. It gives you more information about the burial site and helps you to decide if it was a site belonging to a soldier, king or monk.


I look forward to seeing how you present your information to show me who was buried there.

Have a lovely day x

Home Learning – Friday 5.2.21

Gosh Class 3 it’s Friday again and you have completed another fab week of Home Learning – you have learnt lots, completed lots and made me smile LOTS! There are so many amazing pieces of work on seesaw from this week…from measuring to Beowulf, from diagrams of the eye to houses for sale, from necklaces to french animals – Week 5 really had EVERYTHING!!! I found it really tricky to choose some pieces of work to show you….I decided on some of the great things you got busy with on Wellbeing Wednesday…take a look for yourself…

Daily Timetable

  1. Spellings/Phonics
  2. Grammar/Sentence Structure
  3. Maths
  4. RE
  5. Finishing off
  6. Friday Treat

Todays Challenges

Spelling – A little bit more ‘sion’ practice to start the day today, I have saved the spelling pattern on Purple Mash for you to have a practice and the link below could be used to write some sentences with ‘sion’ words.

At Will’s request, I have also added a wordsearch to seesaw to give you a little more practice.

Phonics – On Monday and Tuesday, we looked at different long vowel ‘o’ sounds – ‘ow’ and ‘o_e’. Another phoneme that also makes this sound is ‘oe’, for example in words such as toe, goes, dominoes.

Today we are going to focus on all the long vowel sounds for ‘o’. Can you write labels for the following words?

As an extra challenge, can you choose some of the words to write into some sentences.

Sentence Structure and Grammar – Our next Oak Academy session for our grammar work today, this session introduces complex sentences. Listen carefully to the session so we can use this type of sentence in our own writing.


Maths – Today your Maths task is inspired by Liam, Freddie, Leo and Lottie who this week have got busy with some baking – the perfect way to test out your reading of scales and understanding of grams and kilograms. You might want to follow your favourite recipe or try something new. Below are some simple recipes to follow (we have made the Mars Bar cake – it is very yummy!) Please discuss your recipes with a grown up before starting.

RE – Today Mrs Atkinson would like us to explore an alternative celebration. Next week (Friday 12th February) is the start of the Chinese New Year. This year will be the year of the Ox. Have a watch of the video to see how and why the years were named after animals.

Can you find out what year you were born in? What about other people in your family?

Can you draw a picture of an ox or the animal from the year you were born. The animals are all very brightly coloured. 

Finally, if you want another challenge, have a go at some chinese art work linked to the New Year.

Finishing off – Have a look back through the blog and see what you need to finish off. Perhaps you need to describe Beowulf or make an Anglo Saxon necklace. Maybe you want to complete another challenge from Wellbeing Wednesday. If you have nothing to complete – it is onto the Friday Treat.

Friday Treat – Two to choose from today, if neither takes your fancy….feel free to make your own fun, you deserve it!

Have a lovely weekend – please let your grown ups have a well deserved rest – they need it!!! Mrs A

Home Learning – Thursday 4.2.21

I hope you all enjoyed our ‘Express Yourself’ Wellbeing Wednesday yesterday and the chance to come off your device and choose your own activities and starting points. I loved to see what you got busy with – I saw some fab baking, lego playing, walks outside and even a lizard in the bath!!!! We had fun in school designing desserts and making sock puppets! It was a good job we had no devices day – the wifi in class 3 is broken!!!

Right onto today – we are back with some more Beowulf and weighing plus science and French – let’s get going!!

Daily Timetable

  1. Guided Reading
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Science
  5. French

Today’s Challenges

Guided Reading – I thought today in Guided Reading we would make links back to our theme task. I would like you to read this advert for an Anglo Saxon house, Iike the ones we wrote on Monday. Can you answer the questions linked to the text? Like last week, I am happy for you to discuss your answers with an adult at home as we would in Guided Reading sessions at school. However, if you want to answer them in written form, I have uploaded the page to seesaw.

English – After your brilliant text messages on Tuesday, I would like to concentrate some more on the character of Beowulf and think about how we could describe him. First I would like you to draw a picture of Beowulf and then write words to describe him around your picture. You may want to use an online thesaurus to add more words to your work.


When you have completed your drawing and added your words, I would like you to use your ideas to write a character description. I would like you to use a range sentences to explain what Beowulf looks like and how he acts. I would also like you to include details and reasons about why Beowulf is a certain character trait. For example,

‘Beowulf is a tall man with a broad jaw-line and blonde hair. He is brave because he faces the monster and also sensible because he brings other men with him to help in the battle. He is confident as he thinks he can beat Grendal but also a risk taker because many people have been killed.’

I can’t wait to read your descriptions.

Maths – We are going to complete a little more work on reading scales today as I noticed in school we need a little more practice.

Remember to look carefully at the numbers you are given in order to work out what each mark on the scale stands for. It might be jumping in 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s. When you have worked out the scale, you can then use this to work out where the arrow is pointing. Let’s try it, have a go at reading the scales on this website…


Next, have a go at the sheets saved on seesaw. I have added two sets of questions, a easy set and a harder set. Think back to the work you completed on Tuesday, if you think you need a little more practice, start with the easier set, if you want more of a challenge, start with the harder set. If you are not sure – you are welcome to complete both – just remember to look carefully at what number the scale is counting in – good luck!

Science – Today for our Science work we are going to look at how we see, and how our eyes work. To start with watch the short video clip.


Next, I would like you to draw me a labelled picture of the eye. (use the second image on the above website to help) Can you use it to explain to a grown up at home, how we see images – it is a very clever process!

Extra Challenge…Maisie wears glasses, she would like to know why some people need glasses and others don’t. Can you use the internet to find the answer to her question.

If you want to find out more about how we see, this is the Oak Academy Session linked to the eye.


As a final little activity for our light work, you may want to try this little investigation using some mirrors.

French – Bonjour! We’re going to start today’s lesson with a little French poem. This is often used with French children to help them learn their numbers. I’m sure you know numbers to ten already – have a quick practice and shout them out…. GO!

OK now you are warmed up and ready let’s take a look at the poem.

Watch the video to hear the poem being read and to find out what your first activity is. Then pause the video whilst you complete the activity.


When you are ready, play the video again for aquick-draw game. The game will also give you the answers to the first activity so you can check your own work.

Now we’re going to look at creating some new sentence stems. J’adore means ‘I love’ and je déteste means ‘I hate’. Can you translate these sentences?

Your final task for today is to used what you have learned today to create your own sentences like the ones above.

Challenge: Write the correct French word for each animal you choose instead of drawing a picture.

À bientôt!

Home Learning – Wednesday 3.2.21

Let’s start by wishing Ruby a massive 8th birthday!!! Hope you have a lovely day!!

Lots more amazing work yesterday – you should definitely be very proud of yourself!! As I mentioned on Monday, we are going to have a bit of a different day today as it is Children’s Mental Health Week.

The theme for this year is ‘Express Yourself’ so I thought today we would have a ‘no-screen’ day to concentrate on our well-being and give our eyes a rest from the computer and tablet screens.

‘Express Yourself’ is all about finding creative ways to share feelings, thought or ideas through things like art, writing, music, dance and doing things that make you feel good. It is not about being the best at something, it is about finding a way to show how you are feeling and can help you feel good about yourself.

So, I am simply going to give you some ideas for the day, well lots of ideas, and allow you all to show us how you choose to ‘Express Yourself’.

I told you there were LOTS of ideas to choose from! Maybe you will just choose one activity, maybe one from each page, maybe your favourite number from each page or maybe a few from the final page which links back to our theme last term – your choices are endless (well out of 100!) All activities are also uploaded to seesaw.

All I ask is that at the end of an activity or the day you post some photos / work on seesaw to show me what you chose to get up to – how you chose to ‘Express Yourself’

Have a lovely day x

Home Learning – Tuesday 2.2.21

Amazing work yesterday guys – you were all so busy! I thought I would treat you to a bit of a video to start with today (I had the house to myself for 5 minutes so I didn’t get disturbed!) Have a watch and then go get busy…(if the video won’t play – don’t worry you are not missing anything – I just explain the tasks!!)

Daily Timetable

  1. Spelling / Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Art
  5. Music

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – Well done to everyone who worked on the ‘sion’ pattern yesterday, some more activities linked to this spelling pattern today,

Firstly, a game of ‘whack-a-mole’!

Next, I have added a game to seesaw for you to play with someone at home. You will need a dice, if you cannot find a dice, please use this interactive one.


Phonics – Another ‘o’ long vowel to explore today – the split diagraph ‘o_e’. Have a watch of Mr Thorne and then complete the activites below…

Firstly use forest phonics to practice the sound https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/forestPhonics/index.html (choose o_e sound)

Then have a go at this wordsearch to practice the sound further https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/phonicFinder/index.html (choose o_e sound)

English – Amazing story maps again yesterday – well done. Before we start have another watch of the story so far thinking about how Beowulf feels just before, during and after the battle.



Today we are going to concentrate on the character of Beowulf again and imagine that he has just defeated Grendal and he wants to tell his mum and dad what happened and how he felt. I would like you to be Beowulf and tell me what you would say and what you think mum and dad would say. Your challenge is to show it as a series of text messages backwards and forwards between the characters. (I know they wouldn’t have had phones but i thought it would be fun!) You can either write down the conversation or use the following website to show your ideas.


If on a tablet, the site works best holding it in landscape. Type each message into the left hand side and it will appear in the phone outline. Remember to change over the message colour so you can tell who is texting. Click +addtextmessage to add another message. When all the conversation is complete, click ‘create image’ and then ‘download image’ to save it somewhere on your device. Hopefully you can then upload your phone outline to seesaw.

I can’t wait to see your ideas and the words you will use to show how proud Beowulf feels and how worried his mum would be! Here is my quick conversation to show you what it should look like – I bet you will have better ideas than me!

Maths – Lots of amazing weighing yesterday, you all did really well with the comparing statements and your scale ideas were fab. Today we are going to look at the units of measure that we use to measure weight. Start by discussing the questions and answers below and then complete the mini task.

What did you find? If we wanted to find out exactly how much something weighed, we would need to use scales and accurately read the scales using grams or kilograms. Let’s have a go at this next and see if you can weigh the parcels

https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/mostlyPostie/index.html (you can choose your own difficulty)

Finally, have a go at the worksheet uploaded to seesaw.

Art – After your amazing foil brooches last week, today I thought we would look at necklaces from Anglo Saxon times. Have a look at the designs below and then design your own. Think carefully about the colours you use when colouring it in as they didn’t have really bright colours.

If you wanted an extra challenge, you could have a go at creating your own necklace using things at home. You might have some beads you could use, or some pasta you could thread or you could even make your own beads from Playdoh. Here is Maisie’s Playdoh design…

Music – The next Oak academy Music lesson for you to end the day today – enjoy


See you tomorrow for Wellbeing Wednesday!