Home Learning – Monday 1.2.21

Wow Class 3 it’s Monday again…I hope you had a lovely weekend. Another week of Home Learning ahead. As it is Children’s Mental Health Week this week, on Wednesday, we are going to have a ‘no screen’ day and focus on Wellbeing, but before then we have got two busy days with some more of Beowulf, some Maths work on weight and some more theme work….lets get started…

Today’s Timetable

  1. Spelling/Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Theme/Computing

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – For our spelling pattern this week we are going to look at the ‘shun’ sound which is spelt ‘sion’ for example division, explosion and television. This is quite a tricky spelling pattern so this week we are going to have three sessions to practise rather than a spelling test. Our focus words are below but I bet you can think of many more words with this pattern.

Firstly, have a watch of this little video and then see if you can find the incorrect ‘sion’ words.


Next, see if you can complete this online wordsearch looking for the ‘sion’ words

https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/phonicFinder/index.html (choose -sion)

I will post some more activities tomorrow and Friday to practice this spelling pattern.

Phonics – This week we are going to concentrate on the next long vowel sound ‘o’ – we already know ‘oa’ but also need to know ‘ow’, ‘oe’ and the split digraph ‘o_e’. Today we will focus on ‘ow’. Firstly, have a watch of Mr Thorne and read the words on the screen.

Next, use the spinning wheel to generate an ‘ow’ word. Can you read the word it stops on? Can you write the word into a sentence? I challenge you to write 3 sentences using ‘ow’ sounds.

English – Back to Beowulf….First of all, have a watch of this video, on Friday, Paige used her ‘finish off’ time to create this amazing puppet show of the story…have a watch to remind yourself of the events.

Today, we are going to look at the next part of the story and find out what happens to Beowulf and Grendal. Before we start I would like you to make a prediction – Tell a grown up what you think is going to happen next in the story, will Beowulf defeat the monster or will Grendal kill him as well? Watch carefully to find out if you are correct….

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks2-ks3-beowulf-part-1/zfymxyc (part 1 we watched last week)

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks2-ks3-beowulf-part-2/znghpg8 (part 2 the next part of the story)

For your task today I would like you to continue your story map, if you still have the first part of the story, you could continue on there, if not just grab another piece of paper. Have a look at some from last week to remind yourself what to do….I can’t wait to see your pictures for the next part of the story…

Maths – Today we are going to move on from length to look at weight. A bit of a recap to start with, I have added some questions for you to complete on seesaw to recap the language we use connected to weight and comparing weight.

When you have completed them, see if you have any scales at home to compare some items for yourself. If you do not have any scales, perhaps you could make some sort of balance to compare some different items. This is what we made at home….

Can you write some statements to compare some items? Can you find a non-standard unit of measure (such as cubes, marbles, pasta) to weigh some items?

Theme/Computing – To finish off our work on houses and settlements in Anglo Saxon Times, today I want to set you the challenge of being an Estate Agent. I would like you to sell an anglo-saxon house or settlement to me or someone at home.

You can choose to sell a house from above or use your house you drew or made last week. I would like you to make a leaflet, poster, web page or video to show why I should buy your house, what is included with the house and how much it costs. Remember to use descriptive language to make it sound like the perfect home. You can use the template below if you wish, record a video or use the two templates I have saved as 2dos on purple mash.

Below is a video of a house being sold. Have a watch of a few seconds of it to see the type of language they use to make it sound amazing. Perhaps you could make a video to sell your anglo- saxon house.

Have a lovely day x

Home Learning – Friday 29.1.21

WARNING – LONG POST AHEAD – Grab a drink and a biscuit and have a look through this week’s amazing work – scroll slowly so you don’t miss anything – Today’s Challenges are down there somewhere!!!

Class 3 your hard work this week has really blown me away, I have seen great measuring, drawing, building, model making, writing, acting and drawing – everything you have been asked to do, you have done sooooooo well – you should be so proud of yourselves – I am EXTREMELY proud of you!!

Talking of proud, I think all of Class 3 would be very proud of this little lady….her act of kindness has made the Golf Club Newsletter!

Have a look at just a selection of the work completed – It is soooooo impressive!!

English – Beowulf work…..

Maths – Measuring….

Science – Shadows….

Click this link to see a brilliant explanation of how a shadow changes https://youtu.be/0V2KetaxRQ0

Theme – Brooches and houses….

Extra Bits…

It was so tricky to choose what to post – you are all superstars!!!

Right, onto today. I’ve not set too much work today to give you lots of time to finish off ready for Monday. Have a lovely day….

Daily Timetable

  1. Spellings/Phonics
  2. Grammar/Sentence Structure
  3. Maths
  4. RE
  5. Finishing off
  6. Friday Treat

Today’s Challenges

Spellings – For my spelling group, please ask a grown up to test you on this week’s spelling pattern. I’m happy if they just choose 5 to test you on, however, if you are feeling confident this week you can go for more. Here is a recap of the words to save you scrolling back through the blog. Good Luck – send me a photo of your results to let me know how you got on.

Phonics – To recap our work on the long vowel sound ‘i’, see if you can complete this cross word.


Sentence Structure and Grammar – Our next Oak Academy session for our grammar work today, this session continues to look at simple and compound sentences. Hopefully we can use some of them in our writing next week.


Maths – As we have finished our work on length, I thought we would have a bit of fun for Friday with two mini puzzles to solve. The first comes from a website I saw online and the second from the back of Maisie’s smoothie! We had fun at home testing both problems out, we tried both puzzles with lots of numbers to really test it out. I hope you have fun too – you may need a grown up, a bigger brother/sister or a calculator to help!

If you want another challenge, perhaps you could write your own puzzle like this for someone else to solve.

RE – So, last week we investigated Sikism, today we are going to explore Islam. Click on the link below to see what you can find out…


If you wanted an extra challenge you could draw a picture of a Mosque (Masjid).

Finishing off – Have a look back through the blog and see what you need to finish off. Perhaps your model house needs finishing or maybe you still need to investigate shadows. If you have nothing to finish…its on to the Friday Treat…

Friday Treat – A choice of two Art activities today….squiggle art or Disney Art…both are on seesaw…Enjoy and have a lovely weekend x

Home Learning – Thursday 28.1.21

Another great day of home learning116 pieces of work on seesaw! Well done guys! I hope you enjoyed your phone calls, I loved seeing your video calls and I had a lovely phone call with Freddie!!! We have got some guided reading, some more of our Beowulf story today, a Maths/PE challenge and a crafty afternoon of Anglo-Saxon house building – I hope you enjoy!

Don’t forget about Mr Barnes’ Keepy Uppy Challenge on the PE Blog

and also the Enterprise ‘Sow the Seed’ idea. I have got my basil seeds ready to take part!

Daily Timetable

  1. Guided Reading
  2. English
  3. Maths/PE
  4. Theme

Today’s Challenges

Guided Reading – I thought today rather than just reading your own stories, we would look at a text altogether. I have chosen the start of a novel called ‘The Creakers’ by Tom Fletcher.

Have a read of the prologue of the book and answer the questions – I am happy for you to discuss your answers with an adult at home rather than write them down as we would in Guided Reading sessions at school. However, if you want to answer them in written form, I have uploaded the pages to seesaw.

If you have enjoyed this extract, perhaps you could add it to your book wish list – you never know your grown ups may reward you for all your hard work so far! If it isn’t your style of book – maybe you will like next weeks instead.

English – Your drawings of the characters yesterday were so good and you had such good language choices – well done! I thought today we could listen to the next part of the story…I hope you are excited to find out what happens.

Below is the video of myself reading some more of the story and also an animation from the BBC (the animation is a little scary so parents/carers may wish to watch it first) Today I would like you to listen to the story and then think about the character of Beowulf (your task is below)

Animation – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks2-ks3-beowulf-part-1/zfymxyc

Your task – I would like you to imagine you are Beowulf and you are just about to leave your home and sail to to Denmark. Imagine you are having a goodbye conversation with your mum or dad to explain you are going and what you are going to do – I want you to tell me what both Beowulf and his parents would say. You could do this as a written conversation, a cartoon strip with speech bubbles or a video of the conversation. I will leave the decision up to you. I can’t wait to see what you do.

Maths/PE – I thought we would have a little bit of fun for the final lesson on length and join together with PE. Have a look at the information below….

Lots of Olympic events require measuring to take place. Can you complete some different physical challenges and measure how far you have thrown/run/jumped etc. Perhaps you could complete the challenge above with a beanbag, maybe you could have a family long jump competition or even a paper plane throwing contest. When I spoke to Freddie on the phone he thought he could throw the ball for his dog and then measure the distance…whatever you choose – you are in charge of the measuring. You might need to measure in paces or strides if you have a big distance, so think carefully. I can’t wait to see your photos!

Theme – Like I mentioned on Monday, today I would like you to build a model Anglo-Saxon house. You can use whatever you want to build it – lego, card, recycling, straw, etc. Use your knowledge and sketches from Monday to help you with your ideas. Below are some ideas I found from the internet, hopefully they will give you some inspiration…

I am not going to set anything else for today as the models may take you a while. I will also only post a small amount tomorrow in order to let everyone catch up. Please post photos on seesaw of your finished models. It would also be great to see some photos of you actually making your models – I love an action shot!

Have a lovely creative day!

Home Learning – Wednesday 27.1.21

Another fab day of home learning yesterday Class 3 – 112 pieces of work uploaded to seesaw! A big shout out to Paige and Georgina who I noticed made a real effort with their handwriting yesterday…I’ll be on the look out for more later in the week.

In school, I wanted to show off all your fab home learning so I put up a display to show how hard everyone is working….I’m sure you will agree it looks great!

Right, I think its time for some more learning….

Daily Timetable

  1. English
  2. Maths
  3. Science
  4. French
  5. Well-Being Wednesday

Today’s Challenges

English – So, some more work on Beowulf today. We are not going to read anymore of the story just yet, but today I wanted to concentrate on the two characters in the story so far – King Hrothgar and Grendel – they are two very different characters. Today I would like you to draw each character and write some words and phrases to describe each of them. If you want an extra challenge, you could use a thesaurus or the internet to search for more words.

Here is my quick example, I’m sure yours will be much better and you will think of many more words than me!

Here is the link again to my reading of the story so far just to remind yourself…

I can’t wait to see your drawings and words.

Maths – Some problem solving linked to measuring using cm and mm today. Start by looking at and discussing the two images below to recap the relationship between mm and cm.

Right, lets do some measuring…You will need to find some pencil crayons to measure for the task today, if you haven’t got any, find something else that you can measure that are different sizes. First you need to measure your items in millimetres.

Next, look at your data and answer the questions below. Start with the bronze questions. See how far you can get through the silver and gold questions. (if you have used different items, please just change the questions a little – its the measuring that is the important part!)

Science – Today, to continue our work on light, we are going to investigate the question ‘How are shadows formed?’ Firstly have a watch of the short video below…

Next, I would like you to try out one of these activities below to explore how shadows are formed for yourself…

  1. Can you make a shadow torch?

2. Can you make a shadow puppet theatre? We made one at home a few weeks ago. Perhaps you could use yours to retell the story of Beowulf?

3. Can you use a torch and some objects to carry out a mini investigation to answer the lion’s question?

As you explore the shadows you create, discuss what happens to the shadow when it is close to the light source and when it is further away. Can you upload a video to seesaw to tell me/show me what you find out?

French – How did you get on with learning the names for pet animals last week? Feeling confident? Today you are going to watch a short video story. It is a modern twist on the Aesop’s fable The Tortoise and the Hare which I’m sure most of you will be familiar with. In French it is called Le liėvre et la tortue.

You won’t recognise all of the vocabulary but have a look at this clip which will give you the key vocabulary and English translation.

Pause the clip after the first slide and watch the story video below. Then you can return to the vocabulary clip to hear your task explained on the second slide.


Did you go back and play the second slide on the vocabulary clip? If so you will know that your task is to look at the pictures from the story and sequence them. There is a template on Seesaw for this so you don’t have to download and print the sheet if you don’t want to.

Challenge activity: Can you add the correct captions (in French?) to the pictures? There is a second template on Seesaw which will show you the correct sequence for the pictures but the captions are now mixed up! (Don’t peek until you have completed the first activity!) Can you rearrange them? You can refer back to the vocabulary snip and the story video to help you, pausing each one when you need to.

Finally there is a word search for you to do based on the video story. Bonne chance!

Wellbeing – You have been away from your friends for a few weeks now and you must be missing them lots. For your well being challenge today I would like you to phone/video call a friend. Have a chat with them, share some jokes, tell them what you have been doing…laugh and enjoy their company! If you have no-one to ring please send me a message before 2pm on seesaw or email and I will give you a call!

Have a great day!!

Home Learning – Tuesday 26.1.21

Lots more great work yesterday Class 3 – you have some seriously good drawing skills – your houses and story maps were amazing!

Just a couple of quick reminders before we get started today…please remember to keep working on your neat, joined handwriting – just because your work is being uploaded to seesaw, I am still looking for super handwriting! Also please try if you can to add a title to your work, either written or using a text box on seesaw, as this helps when I come to look at it. This does not need to be much – just a couple of words eg. ‘English story map’ or ‘Internet Rules’. Little things like this, will just help us not to forget all the hard work we did last term on our presentation skills.

Right, onto today…I will give some shout outs tomorrow to the neatest pieces of work – the challenge is on…

Daily Timetable

  1. Spelling / Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Art
  5. Music

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – My spelling group, please continue to practice the spellings given yesterday, perhaps you could complete the wordsearch, crack the different codes, play a game of hangman or write some sentences containing our spelling words today. I’m in school again today and I thought we would use them to write our own crosswords. Whatever you choose will be good practice! A recap of the words…

Phonics – Building on yesterday’s work – today we are going to explore another ‘i’ sound – the split digraph ‘i_e’. Have a watch of Mr Thorne and then see if you can read the words and match them to their pictures (uploaded to seesaw)

English – Today we are going to complete a comprehension activity linked to the story like we often do in school. Watch my video again and then answer the different questions linked to the story.

I have made two sets of questions – an easier set and a trickier set – I’ll let you choose which questions you would like to answer. I have uploaded both the story so far and the questions to seesaw if you wish to answer on there.

Maths – Fab measuring yesterday guys, some more work on the relationship between cm and mm today. I have uploaded some questions for you to complete on seesaw – you should be able to answer straight onto seesaw using the T (text box). Remember…

Art – Today we are going to continue our work on Anglo-Saxon jewellery by creating our own brooches. I would like you to design your own brooch and then see if you can use foil to create it. Please do not worry if you do not have foil, you could use Playdoh, Plasticine, card or even make some salt dough. If you want to wait and buy foil, you could always use ‘finish off Friday’ for this activity. I can’t wait to see your creative work!

Music – Here is the next Music session in the unit from Oak academy, I hope you enjoy exploring beats.


Have a lovely day x

Home Learning – Monday 25.1.21

Morning Class 3, I hope you had a lovely weekend. I spent ages yesterday cleaning and tidying Maisie’s bedroom – It was my act of kindness!! Well done to those of you who sent acts of kindness to Mrs Ledingham, she is very busy adding them all to her tree of kindness!

Right, onto this week…we have got a new English unit to explore, some more work on measuring, on Light and on our Anglo-Saxon theme…Let’s have a look at today…

Today’s Timetable

  1. Spelling/Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Theme
  5. Computing

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – Our spelling pattern this week concentrates on ‘ch’ making the ‘k’ sound, for example in words such as echo, ache, chorus.  Please practise words with this spelling pattern this week. You may want to complete the crack the code sheet or the wordsearch (saved on seesaw) or perhaps write some sentences with the words in. Unfortunately there is no Purple Mash spelling game for this pattern. I will schedule another spelling time tomorrow so you can complete some more practise.

Phonics – Today I would like Mrs Prince’s phonics group to move onto the long vowel sound ‘i’ we already know ‘igh’ and today we will look at ‘ie’. Have a watch of the video below to see some examples of the sound.

Next, can you write labels for the following pictures. Can you think of anymore words with the ‘ie’ sound?

English – I was so so impressed with your finished poems – you all had such good ideas and I really enjoyed reading them. If we were in school I would definitely be awarding lots of class Dojo points!!!

Today we are going to start a new English Unit, looking at an Anglo-Saxon epic poem / legend called ‘Beowulf’. Watch the video below of the start of the story and then complete the activity below.

Can you create a story map to retell the story so far? Keep your retelling safe because you will need it later in the week. Below is the start of my story map, I bet yours will be much better than mine!

Maths – We are going to continue to look at measurements today…from the children who were in school, I noticed we need a little more work on using a ruler accurately, so I thought we would focus closely on cm and mm today. Watch the oak academy video and pause to complete the activities. Remember to post your strip measuring on seesaw to show me how you can measure in both cm and mm.


Theme – Last week in our theme session, we looked at creating our own Anglo Saxon settlement. Today we are going to explore some more about where the Anglo-Saxons lived. Have a read of the information below

Next, I would like you to draw an Anglo-Saxon house and label it with some facts to show how they lived.

Prior warning…On Thursday I plan to set the challenge of building an Anglo-Saxon house. This could be out of anything you wish…boxes, straw, sticks, card, playdoh, lego etc. I just thought I would give you a prior warning in case you wanted to save any recycling.

Computing – As we are spending lots of time online at the moment, I thought it would be useful to spend some time looking at how we can stay safe online. To start with explore the websites below




Next, I would like you to work as a family to decide on a set of internet safety rules to follow at home. Perhaps you could make a poster to show your rules and display it near your computer or tablet. Let me know the rules you decide by uploading a photo to seesaw.

Have a great day. Mrs A

Home Learning – Friday 22.1.21

Some of the amazing work from the week….English…Maths…Science…Art…Theme….and much, much more!

Be proud of yourselves Class 3!

Right onto today, not as many tasks today as it is Friday and I like to give you some time for finishing off.

Daily Timetable

  1. Spelling Test
  2. Grammar/Sentence Structure
  3. Maths
  4. RE
  5. Finishing off
  6. Friday Treat

Today’s Challenges

Spelling  If you are in my spelling group, today we will have a spelling test of words linked to our spelling pattern. Please ask a grown up to test you on at least 5 of the spellings. Don’t worry if you don’t get them all correct, it is something we can all continue to practice throughout the year. A reminder of the words are below. Good Luck.

Phonics – I thought today we would recap both the ‘a’ long vowel sound and the ‘e’ long vowel sound by playing some online games. Choose a game and practise your sounds.




Sentence Structure and Grammar – Another Oak Academy session for our grammar work. Today, we are going to build on our work on simple sentences from last week and look at what compound sentences are. Remember to pause the videos and complete the tasks as you go along.


Maths – Today we are going to use our knowledge of measuring to explore some statements linking to our body. I would like you to choose one of the statements to explore – is it true or false? Use the people in your house to investigate. Upload your findings to seesaw.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-97-1024x629.png

Extension – When you have finished, can you think of your own true or false statement linked to parts of your body and use measurements to explore if it is true or false…

RE – If you fancy a spot of RE, Mrs Atkinson has sent us this…If we were in school, we would be looking at Faith Founders, starting with Guru Nanak and Sikhism. Click on the link below and find out about who he was and what he did.


If you want to find out more, I have added more information and some questions to seesaw.

Finishing Off Friday – Some of you may have a few bits from the week to finish off, if you do, please spend some time doing that today. I will archive all this week’s activities on seesaw on Sunday night so everyone can start a fresh on Monday. If you have done everything….which is the case for lots of you……..then it is onto the FRIDAY TREAT!!!!!

Friday Treat – Today for your treat, I would like you to wrap up warm and go for a walk, scoot or bike ride. Perhaps you could make your own scavenger hunt like Lara did earlier in the week or practise a new skill like Riley or find a massive puddle like Syrus!!!!

Have a lovely day and an fun weekend. See you on Monday x

Home Learning – Thursday 21.1.21

Wow Class 3 – amazing poems – your ideas were definitely better than mine! In school our amazing lines included….

I can’t wait to read some more of your poems today. Let’s get busy!

Daily Timetable

  1. Guided Reading – 20 minutes quiet reading plus task
  2. English – Writing the rest of our poem
  3. Maths- Metre/centimetre problem solving
  4. Theme – Exploring Anglo-Saxon Settlements
  5. PE – Dancestars!

Today’s Challenges

Guided Reading – Like we did last Thursday, I would like you to spend 20 minutes reading quietly to yourself or out loud to an adult. Set a timer on a phone or Alexa and get reading. When you have finished I would like you to re-design the front cover of your book based on what you have read so far. I can’t wait to see what books you have been reading. Post a photo on seesaw of your real cover and your new cover next to each other. Remember, if you want a new book to read, check out https://www.getepic.com/sign-in and use our class code HGP0707

English – Today we are going to complete the rest of our poems by writing the last two verses. Look carefully at the original poem – there are 3 verses about what is in the box – which you all wrote brilliantly yesterday, then a verse about what your box looks like (use your ideas from Monday for this part) and finally a verse about what you can do in the box. Watch my video below showing me writing the last two verses and then get busy writing yours.

Maths – Today we are going to continue to build on our knowledge of metres and centimetres and also try a spot of problem solving. Can you solve the problems linked to the heights of some children in a Year 3/4 class? (Information is also on seesaw)

Theme – So, we know where the Anglo-Saxons came from, why they came and the different kingdoms they created. Today we are going to look at how they settled and the different settlements they built. To start with, have a watch of this short video.

Ideas for your settlement


Today I would like you to design your own Anglo Saxon settlement. Use the cards below to design your settlement correctly – make sure you read them carefully. I have uploaded a template to seesaw if you wish to use it. For an extra challenge, you may wish to add a key to your map.

PE – A bit more dancestars for PE today. If you don’t fancy this, try Joe Wicks again or go for a walk and splash in some puddles!

I’ll catch up later on seesaw as I’m in school again today. Have a great day x

Home Learning – Wednesday 20.1.21

Class 3, I was so impressed with your work yesterday – over 100 posts received again!! Your sketching skills for the Art task was amazing and your language choices for your poem ideas were fantastic – I can’t wait to see your finished poems. Right, lets get started on today’s tasks…..

Daily Timetable

  1. English – Using our ideas to write some of our poem
  2. Maths- Metres and Centimetres
  3. Science – Reflective Materials
  4. French – Pets
  5. Well-Being Wednesday

Today’s Challenges

English – Today we are going to look at using all our fab ideas from yesterday to write our own poems using the style of the original poem. I would like you to take your ideas and turn them into the format of the poem. Press play to have a look at my example below and see how I have begun to group my ideas together and then get busy writing yours…

Maths – So, now we have looked at measuring in metres and centimetres, next we need to look at how they work together and can be equivalent measurements.Have a watch of the video below and pause it to complete the question on the sheet. Remember the questions get trickier as the sheet goes through so please just do as much as you can.

Science – Last week, after our introduction to light, you thought of some fab questions linked to the topic. One of the questions asked was ‘What surfaces reflect light?’ so I thought we would explore that this week.

To start with lets have a watch of this video to explain how reflective materials work.


Next, I would like you to see if you can find a torch/light and explore some different materials in your house. Can you sort them into those that reflect light and those that absorb light?

Now I would like you to help Matilda and I, Matilda got a new scooter for Christmas and she loves to ride it. However, it is very dark on a night and not very safe to ride. Can you design her a new safe scooter/clothing or scooter accessories so she can ride on a night? You will need to think about how she can be safe in both lit and unlit streets. I can’t wait to see your ideas. You may want to even use your own scooter or bike to show your designs.

If you would like to find out more about reflective materials, here is a lesson from Oak Academy .


French – Do you know the names of any animals in French? This week we are going to look at pet animals. Take a look at these images. Which names are similar or the same as in English? These will be the easiest one to learn. Which looks the most different? Challenge yourself to learn that one. Remember un or une means ‘a’. un is masculine and une is feminine

Now you can start to use some of the animal vocabulary in a sentence. Look at this image

What do you think the children are saying to each other?

The girl is asking if the boy has any pets and the boy replies that he has a dog.

Your task is to create some similar conversations. You can use any of the animals from the photos above. There is a speech bubble template on Seesaw or you can write your sentences and upload photos of your work.

Next, lets share a song…Mathurin’s farm https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhyg9mn/articles/z4nyvk7

Finally, if you want to consolidate your knowledge further, you can try this online game. Only some of it uses animal vocabulary but it is a fun way to recap on your French vocabulary generally.   https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z74gcqt/articles/zyvnm39

Well-Being – We all know home learning is not easy and you will probably have some tricky moments. Today I would like you to make a ‘You Are’ jar to use at those tricky times. Cut up some small pieces of paper and write down some positive things about yourself, then pop them in a jar to choose from and read when you need to. I’ll get you all started with one….I AM SMART…I CAN DO IT!

Have a lovely day. I am in school again today so I might be a little late approving and commenting on posts – but I will get to them so get uploading!

Home Learning – Tuesday 19.1.21

To start with a massive shout out to the birthday girl today….I will see you at school with my singing voice!!! Have a lovely day!

More amazing work yesterday Class 3 – over 100 pieces of work for me to look at and approve on seesaw! I was so impressed with your English work, you have made some amazing language choices and your box designs were so brilliant. Big shout out to Leo who made his box himself out of wood and used a power drill for the screws! (I think it was a drill – DIY is not a strong point of mine!!) and also to Ruby who filmed herself reading her poem with amazing expression. I was also really impressed with your fantastic Maths work which lots of you displayed using Pic Collage – I am so impressed with how well you are all using the app – great computing skills as well as Maths – SUPERSTARS!

Right, onto today….

Your daily checklist…..

  1. Spelling / Phonics
  2. English –Planning our poem
  3. Maths – Measuring
  4. Art – Sketching jewellery
  5. Music

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – My spelling group, please continue to practice the spellings given yesterday, perhaps you could complete the wordsearch, the dominoes or write some sentences containing our spelling words today. I’m in school today and I thought we would use them to play hangman – maybe you could do the same?

Phonics – Mrs Prince’s phonics group, today I would like you to explore another long vowel ‘e’ sound – ‘e_e’. Watch this video to see some examples…

Next, can you spot and write down any e_e words in this picture…

English – Today we are going to plan some more of our poem by brain storming what we are going to put into our box. Have another quick look at this part of the poem, the items inside are all described to paint a picture inside the reader’s head. Try to include some strange items in your box, items that don’t quite make sense – like the ‘cowboy on a broomstick’ . Consider the questions below to help you think of your ideas.

Today I just want your to think of ideas and then tomorrow we will start to put them in order. I have added a template to seesaw which may be useful. I can’t wait to see your ideas. You will need either 6 or 9 ideas to follow the pattern of the poem.

MathsToday we are going to continue to work on measuring, focusing on measuring accurately using centimetres. Unfortunately there are no white rose videos, like we used last week, for this part of the unit, so I have saved some questions to seesaw for you to work through and discuss with a grown up at home. As an extra challenge, can you upload some photographs to show you using a ruler accurately? Can you add the measurement in cm?

Art – To continue our work on Anglo Saxon jewellery, today we are going to look closely at some pieces of jewellery, discuss the pieces and then have a go at sketching some of them.

Firstly, take a look at these pieces, use the questions to think about the pieces of jewellery and talk about them at home. If you want to write down your ideas, you could add them as a text box or a note on seesaw but I’m happy if you just talk about it and then do the sketching part of the task (see below)

Next, I challenge you to try to use your drawing skills to sketch each piece.

I can’t wait to see your drawings.

Music – Today we will use the next lesson from Oak Academy focusing on pulse. We really enjoyed the lesson in school last week so I hope this one is just as good.


Have a great day!

Mrs A x