Home Learning – Monday 18.1.21

Hi Class 3, I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed some fun family time. I loved the photos on Friday afternoon of Lego building, bun baking and beach exploring – well done for doing something you enjoy!

As promised, here is the video of your amazing Magic Box poems. I enjoyed watching them so much!

Amazing work!

Today’s Timetable

  1. Spelling/Phonics
  2. English
  3. Maths
  4. Theme

Today’s Challenges

Spelling/Phonics – I thought we would do spellings / phonics today in order to give you a little longer to practice the words/sounds throughout the week.

If you are in my spelling group, this week’s spelling pattern is words with a short ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’ for example, tough, cousin, trouble. Please practise words with this spelling pattern this week…you may want to complete the loop cards or wordsearch (saved on seesaw)…or practise your spellings through the 2Do saved on Purple Mash…or write some sentences with the words in. I will schedule another spelling time tomorrow so you can complete another activity.

As last week, I will be asking your grown up to test you on the spellings listed here on Friday (the words used on purple mash are slightly different but use the same spelling pattern)

Phonics – This week Mrs Prince’s group will look at the long vowel sound for ‘e’ – we already know the sound ‘ee’ and today we will be looking at ‘ea’. Have a watch of the video below.

Next, see if you can read the postcard below (also saved to seesaw) can you highlight the ‘ea’ words? Can you spot any other words that make the long vowel sound ‘e’? Can you work out another ‘e’ spelling pattern that we will look at tomorrow?

English – So Class 3, today we are going to start writing our own Magic Box poems. To find out your task you can either watch the video of me below or read on to find out. I can’t wait to see this part of your poem.

So, we are going to start by designing our own boxes. This could simply be by drawing your design or if you wanted you could get a bit creative and make your own box. When you have created it, I would like you to think carefully about how you will describe your box in the poem. Have a look at this part of the poem. Can you use some detailed adjectives and some great description to describe your box…what is it made of, what is on the lid, how does it open? I can’t wait to see what you create and write.

Maths – We are going to move on from Multiplication (but keep practicing those times tables) to look at a different mathematical area this week. I wanted something a little practical that you could get busy with so I thought today we would start to look at Length.

To start with today, I would like you to find a ruler or a tape measure. If you cannot find one at home, perhaps you could make your own. Then I would like you to find some items to measure. Can you record their measurements and then sort them into items that measure more than a metre and less than a metre? You could maybe use pic collage or add photos to a page on seesaw to show the measurements and sort photographs of each item.

Theme – So last week we found out that the Anglo Saxons came to Britain as their own land was flooded. Anglo-Saxon Britain wasn’t ruled by one person and the Anglo-Saxons were not united. Today, I would like you to find out about the different kingdoms that were created. Use the map here, an atlas and the internet to find out.

Can you label your own map (uploaded to seesaw) and then answer the challenge questions? Think carefully about how you can use an internet search engine to help with your answers.

Have a lovely day. Go get busy! Mrs Altoft x

Home Learning – Friday 15.1.21

Wow Class 3 – We have got to the end of the first full week of home learning – I can honestly say WELL DONE – you have all worked your socks off and tried so hard. I have decided on a Friday not to post too many tasks so I can give everyone a chance to catch up and be ready to start a fresh on a Monday morning. I will also post the oh so important Friday treat – which you definitely deserve!

Your work this week has been soooo good and has made me smile – especially yesterday’s English challenge – I loved to see how you had roped in brothers and sisters to help – I hope you all enjoyed doing it! Hopefully over the weekend I will be able to get a bit technical and put them all into one big video to share on the blog – watch this space! Your game ideas were also amazing – keep them safe and when this is all over hopefully we can all bring them into school to play them together.

Here is a few photos of some of the fab work I have received over the past few days…..can you spot yours?

Freddie baked the cake in the photo!!!!

Are you impressed? I certainly am!!

One final big shout out to Ruby who did an online first aid course this week and now knows how to put someone in the recovery position!

Right onto today….

Today’s Timetable

  1. Spelling
  2. Grammar
  3. Maths
  4. Finishing off Friday
  5. Friday Treat

Today’s Challenges

Spelling/Phonics – If you are in my spelling group, today we will have a spelling test of words linked to our spelling pattern. Please ask a grown up to test you on 5 of the spellings. Don’t worry if you don’t get them all correct, it is something we can all continue to practice throughout the year. A reminder of the words are below. Good Luck.

Phonics – If you are in Mrs Prince’s phonics group, today we are going to look at another long vowel sound for ‘ai’ – ay. The ‘ay’ sound it often found at the end of a word for example Monday, play, stay, away. Have a watch of the video to practice this sound. As an extra challenge can you write some sentences with some ‘ay’ words in?

Sentence Structure and Grammar – Like a normal Friday, here is your sentence structure and grammar session. Today we are looking at simple sentences. This will be a bit of a recap from Autumn Term but we can build on it as the weeks progress. So, listen carefully to the instructions, pausing when you are asked and completing the activities as you go along.


When you have finished the video, upload your notes and sentences to seesaw so I can see how you got on.

Maths – As a bit of consolidation for multiplication this week, please access the websites below. Think carefully about which tables you choose to practice in order to ensure you are challenging yourself. Depending on which device you are using, some sites may not work, if this is the case, please access the multiplication games on purple mash or do some practice on times tables rockstars.








Finishing off Friday – Some of you may have a few bits from the week to finish off, if you do, please spend some time doing that today. Sorry if you struggled to access the Theme task yesterday, I fell asleep with Matilda and forgot to upload the template! Thanks to Freddie who emailed to remind me!! It is still saved on the activities if anyone didn’t get chance to do it.

If you have done everything….which is the case for lots of you……..then it is onto the FRIDAY TREAT!!!!!

FRIDAY TREAT….It is cold and wet outside, so do something you enjoy…snuggle down with a DVD, play a family board game, challenge yourself to build with some Lego, play with your new Christmas presents….whatever you choose….ENJOY IT, you deserve it – you have worked hard this week!

PARENTS – You also deserve to do something you enjoy…so enjoy a cuppa (or something stronger!!!) Seriously, well done and thank you – I know its not easy but you are all doing great!!!

See you Monday x

Home Learning Thursday 14.1.21

First off, a massive Happy Birthday to Jacob for today….I hope you have a lovely day!

More amazing work yesterday guys, you clearly understand the poem well and you had no problems with the Maths – well done!! Bit of a fun day for you today, performing…designing…making….researching….dancing….you will be busy but hopefully you will enjoy yourself as well! I can’t wait to see what you get upto!

Grab a grown up and get reading today’s challenges….Or read them yourself…its all good reading practice!

Daily Timetable

  1. Guided Reading – 20 minutes quiet reading time
  2. English – a spot of acting / performing
  3. Maths – making a game
  4. Theme – research questions
  5. PE – Dancestars/Joe Wicks

Today’s Challenges

Guided Reading – Remember the book you chose last week and began to read. To start with today, I would like you to spend 20 minutes reading it. Set a timer on a phone or Alexa and get reading. If you are a year 3, I know last year, you used the website ‘Epic’ to read online. I think I have managed to set the class up on it this year (i say think because I haven’t used it before!!) The log in details can be found below. Let me know how you get on!

English – Fab work yesterday Class 3, you are really understanding the poem. One more challenge linked to the original poem today, before we start to plan, write and perform our own poems. Today I would like you to choose part of the poem and perform it. You can do this by using the video icon on seesaw. Feel free to have a bit of fun with your recording – you might want to rope in other members of the family or even add some props from the poem or even costumes…have fun with it! Here is Maisie and Matilda’s quick effort…..

Maths – Let’s start with another active song…


Next, to further work on our multiplication skills I would like you to make your own multiplication game. You will find some ideas below. Have a look around the house to see what you can find to use, choose a times table to focus, or you might focus on more than one times table and create a game. When your game is finished grab someone to play your game with. I can’t wait to see photographs of your ideas and of you playing your game. Maybe we could use your ideas in the maths area when we return to school.

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Theme – So now that we all have passports and we are real Anglo Saxons or Vikings. We are going to find out some more about who the Anglo Saxons were and why they came to Britain. To start off with, watch these two short videos.



So, what did you find out? Imagine you are this Anglo Saxon man, can you answer his questions?….watch the videos again to help you and then type your answers to the template I have added as an activity on seesaw (using text boxes for your answers) If you are struggling with the activity and text boxes just write your answers and upload a photo, either way is fine. Remember to use first person ‘I’ because you are being the man.

PE – Dance – Another Dancestars video for you to follow today. This week’s theme is Musicals. Enjoy


If you don’t fancy Dancestars. Have a go at Joe Wicks like Ruby and Jack have done.

Have a great day x

Home Learning – Wednesday 13.1.21

I quick video from me to start off this morning (I’m wearing the hoody I described in my riddle last week!!) Hope you are all ok and ready to get busy with some more home learning….

Today’s Challenges

Your daily checklist…..

  1. English – Looking closely at the poem
  2. Maths – Using our times table skills
  3. Science – Light and Dark
  4. French – Greetings
  5. Well-being Wednesday – Scavenger Hunt

English – Today we are going to continue to look at the poem ‘The Magic Box’. Have another read through the poem then work on answering the questions below. Either use the note tool on seesaw to write down your answers or write on a piece of paper and upload to seesaw.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-49.png

Maths – Let’s start today with some active times table practice, can you join in with this….


Right, let’s apply some of these multiplication skills…you have got some problems to solve today. You can choose one of the problems or both. You will need to do lots of trial and error. Even if you don’t get the answer – you will have practiced your times tables!

Investigation 1. (the cards are saved on seesaw if you wanted to cut them out but you can easily just write each one down.) Choose one to start with – can you sort them so they move around in a loop – for example, 3 x 6 = 18 – 3 = 15 etc.

Investigation 2 – Can you use the information you have to work out Mum’s age – remember to read the facts carefully.

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Light Bulb clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla

Science – Our Science theme for this term is Light and Sound. We are going to start by looking at Light. Before we start, have a think what you would like to find out. Note your questions and ideas down and keep them safe. At the end of the unit we will see if we have found out the answers. Right lets get started…

Follow this video through pausing when asked to complete the different mini tasks.


French Continuing our French learning last term, have a listen to this French song.


Can you remember the different greetings we learnt? Use the words below from the song to help you.

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Next see if you can join in this song….


Finally, can you have a conversation with someone at home using these words and phrases? Ask them how they are feeling? Can you tell them how you are feeling?

Wellbeing Wednesday -A bit of fun to finish the afternoon, your challenge is to go on a scavenger hunt…can you find items for each of the criteria? Upload a photo of all your items so I can see what you found….

Have a lovely day.

Home Learning Tuesday 12.1.21

Good Morning Class 3, you made an amazing start to the week yesterday, I can’t wait to see what you get busy with today….No video from me today – I was too tired after a day in school and then approving over 100 pieces of work on seesaw and writing this last night….So it’s straight over to you……Here are the amazing passports I received yesterday…you all make fab Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.

Today’s Challenges

Rather than a video, today I have done a quick overview of today’s expectations…

It may be useful to refer back to this towards the end of the afternoon to check you have completed everything

  1. Spelling or Phonics
  2. English – Illustrate the poem
  3. Maths – Multiplication – You can choose your starting point
  4. Art – Exploring pattern
  5. Music – Exploring Pulse

Spellings / Phonics – If you are in my spelling group our spelling pattern this week is ‘y’ making the ‘i’ sound in words such as myth, pyramid, mystery and hymn.

Please practise words with this spelling pattern this week…you may want to complete the cross word (saved on seesaw)…or practise your spellings through the 2Do saved on Purple Mash…or write some sentences with the words in. I will be asking your grown up to test you on the ten spellings listed here on Friday (the words used on purple mash are slightly different but use the same spelling pattern) so it may be useful to practice each day.

If you are in Mrs Prince’s phonics group, you are going to be learning some phase 5 sounds this week. Please watch the two videos focusing on the ‘a’ long vowel sound – you have already learnt ‘ai’ and now will be introduced to a_e.

Watch this video and then see if you can find any a_e words around your house. Can you write down the words for me? I wonder how many items you can find.

English – Today we are going to build on the work we started yesterday using the poem ‘The Magic Box’. Today I would like you to read through the poem yourself and draw illustrations to go with the poem. If you have a printer, you could print off the poem and draw your pictures around it, if not just read the poem below and draw pictures to show what he puts inside then upload a photo to seesaw. If you wanted to be a little more creative, you could even draw the box with the items inside. I will leave it up to you – I can’t wait to see how you decide to complete your challenge. The pictures below might give you some ideas….

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Maths – I was really impressed with your multiplication practice yesterday so I thought we would complete some more work focusing on some different times tables and also recapping division. Just like yesterday, I would like you to watch the video and complete the questions as you work through. However, today, I am going to give you a bit of a choice, like we often do in class, as to where you think you need more practice.

One video and questions will continue to focus on the 3x times table and division facts, one the 4x times table and division facts and the third on the 8x table and division facts. Think about how you found yesterday’s work – do you need more practice on the same times table as yesterday, or are you ready to move on. I have uploaded each one as a separate activity to seesaw so you can choose which to complete. I can’t wait to see where you decide your challenge will be.

Remember the sheet gets trickier as it goes along – so just try as much as you can. Good Luck!

Art – For Art our Art topic we are going to investigate Anglo Saxon jewelry and hopefully try to make some of our own. Below are some images of jewelry in the style of Anglo-Saxons. What do you notice about the shapes and patterns in the pieces? Please discuss your ideas with someone at home.

Your challenge today is to see if you can find any patterns in your home. You might need to look very closely at things. When you find something, I would like you to take a photograph of it on a tablet or a phone. When you have taken a few photographs, I would like you to create a photo collage of your images. Pic Collage is the free app we use in school but there are many others available. (Please ask a grown up before downloading any apps, the app will be very useful for a number of activities during home learning.) If you don’t have a device available please see the extension below…

Extension – Can you sketch some of the patterns and shapes you found? (If you are unable to take photos please sketch and colour what you find)

I sent my girls on a quick look around my house and this is what they found…

Music – This unit is based upon Duration and the first lesson focuses on Pulse, click on the link below and work through the video.


Have a great day. Mrs A

Home Learning Monday 11.1.21

Morning Class 3, I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed some family time together. We all had a go at ‘Draw with Rob’ as a family. Can you guess who’s drawing is whose?

I was really impressed with all your work on Friday, I loved seeing your timelines, I saw some very cute baby photos! Big shout out to Jacob, whose timeline took up the whole living room and both Leo and Ruby who made a video to show their fab work. Have a look below to see just a snippet of the work…

Well done guys! Right, now for today’s work….

Today’s Challenges

I wonder what is in the Magic Box?

English – Today we are going to start a new English Unit, I thought seeing as we worked so hard on ‘The Sound Collector’ poem, we would have a look at some more poetry. To link to our theme ‘Buried Treasure’, the poem is called ‘The Magic Box’ here is our Viking with his magic box!

Today I would like you to have a listen to the poem using the link below. I have attached a copy of the poem to an activity on seesaw so you can follow along.


You have two challenges today –

  1. Discuss the poem with a grown -up, are there any words you do not know the meaning of? Can you write me a list of unknown words from the poem and use a dictionary or the internet to find out what they mean.
  2. Can you answer the following questions about the poem….

Maths – This week we are going to look at times tables and practice our skills.

Year 3s – Have a watch of the video uploaded to seesaw to practise your skills using the 3 times table, pause the video as required and complete the questions. The worksheet you need is attached to the activity as well. You can either print the sheet to complete it, use paper and upload a photo or complete it in seesaw using the text boxes. Let me know how you get on by adding a comment to your work underneath it. Year 4s, you have a different video and worksheet looking at consolidating the 2, 4 and 8 times tables.

The questions do get trickier as they go through so just see how you go, you could always use counters (lego pieces or even pieces of pasta) to create an array to help you.

Theme/Computing – Today we are going to start our Anglo-Saxon and Viking theme… by travelling back in time and becoming a real Anglo-Saxon or Viking. Use the picture below to create your own Anglo-Saxon or Viking name and then complete your own passport to the past.

You may need to do a bit of research on the internet to answer some of the sections and the websites below may be useful.



Both the above sites have lots of useful questions at the bottom of the page to click on.

Sorry if I am a little late approving your posts on seesaw today and tomorrow as I am in school again with the key worker children.

Have a great day x

PARENTS – Please look out for a parent letter with some further advice and suggestions. Please email me with any feedback or suggestions class3brandesburton@gmail.com

Home Learning Friday 7.1.21

Morning Class 3, thought I would try something a bit different for my intro this morning, let me know what you think to a quick video message from me occasionally – this one is a bit rough and ready – I haven’t used this software before and this was my first take!! Press play and see what you think…. (sorry I am so big, I couldn’t work out how to resize!)

A review of yesterday…..Amazing riddle solving yesterday – you all did much better than me! I really struggled with this riddle and had to ask for the answer in the end…

Did you work this one out? If not, this was the answer…..

Introducing Rudy, a bearded dragon – what a totally cool present!!

Here are some photos of some of the fantastic pieces of work I received…keep it up guys I’m very impressed!

Fab work guys…right onto today…

Today’s Challenges

Sentence Structure and Grammar – Like we normally do on a Friday, I thought we would do some grammar work, the link below will take you to a national academy lesson looking at adding ‘ed’ to words. We looked at this in Autumn Term so it will be a great recap. Please listen carefully to the instructions, pausing when you are asked and completing the activities as you go along.


When you have finished the video, I would like you to choose at least 5 of the spelling words and write them into sentences . If you would like a challenge you could try to turn your sentences into a mini story or paragraph of writing by making the sentences link together. Remember to post your sentences onto seesaw.

Maths – Two challenges today, firstly, I would like you to use your graph from yesterday’s Maths challenge to answer the following questions. (Questions also saved onto an activity on seesaw)

Because I was so impressed with your tally charts and graphs yesterday, your second challenge is to help Santa to sort out some of his presents that have got mixed up. Look carefully at each of the present types and sort them using a tally. When you have sorted them can you make a graph of the results and then finally, can you use your graph to answer some questions. All the information you need is saved as an activity on seesaw. Remember to post your work back to seesaw so I can see how you get on.

History – Before we start looking closely at Anglo Saxons and Vikings I would like us to grasp some understanding of what a timeline is. We looked briefly at timelines last term when we found out about the history of wind turbines but today I want you to find about the history of yourself and your family and create your own ‘family timeline’. You can go back in time as far as you want, you could include your mum and dad or even your grandparents. I would like to see special events such as brothers and sisters being born, starting school, going on a special holiday, a special birthday, a wedding etc. You could also include key events in History if you wanted such as the London Olympics or Lockdown 2020! You might need to make quite a long piece of paper! I can’t wait to see the amazing timelines you create! Below are some ideas for how you could set out your timeline.

Friday Treat – In Lockdown last year we always finished the week with a Friday Treat as a reward for all your hard work. If you keep working hard and impressing me, we can continue this idea….so here is your Friday Treat for this week…enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend…

Home Learning Thursday 7.1.21

Morning Class 3, fantastic work yesterday – I received an amazing 82 pieces of work! I loved the chance to find out what you all got for Christmas, I tried to guess everyone’s answers – please check back in the comments on seesaw under your riddle to see if I got your answer correct. I definitely struggled more with the boy’s toys!! Well done to those who worked out my riddle – It was my new hoody!

Here are some of your amazing riddles. You will need them for today’s English challenge below!

Wow sooooo many! I have tried to add everyone’s, so sorry if I have missed anyone’s it was 11pm last night that I was writing this and I was very tired!

I was also impressed with all your bookmarks. Thanks to those who shared their book choices, look out for some challenges soon to link to your book. Your New Years Resolutions were also such great ideas. They would have made such a great display in the classroom.

I love them all! Right onto today and your next set of challenges…hope you are up for it…..!

Today’s Challenges

English After all your amazing present riddles, I must set you the challenge of reading each others work. Have a look at each riddle above or on the PDF saved on seesaw on the activities tab, (they might be better to read on the PDF) they are numbered …….. can you work out what present is being described in each riddle? Upload your answers to seesaw and I will let you know how everyone did. Make sure you check I got your answer correct on seesaw as well. I found some of them very tricky! (Depending on what device you are using, the quality may not be great, if you are struggling to read one or two, just miss them out)

If you enjoyed the riddle solving why not try some more…Here are some very tricky riddles to solve….maybe you could solve them as a family or if you are really stuck you could do some searching on the internet to see if you can work out the answers. Even if you don’t work them out – it was good reading practice!

Maths – Today you need to multi-task, you will need to do some question asking and then produce a graph of your results, because I would like to know…

There's something for everyone in our Gifts in Action collection - especially that tricky person who 'has it all'

What is the most popular type of Christmas present among your family and friends?

If you are at school you can ask the people in your bubble – if you are at home you can text/ring some close family and friends! (Remember to ask permission first)

I would like you to create a tally chart and then a bar chart to show me some of the different types of presents that you and your friends and family received at Christmas. Its up to you how you decide to group different types of presents. Some ideas I thought of could be: gifts that use electricity, clothes, board games, action figures and dolls, food etc. You might also need an ‘other’ group for items that do not fit into any of your categories.

Once you have drawn up your tally chart, you will need to get busy texting or phoning people to ask them. They can only chose one type of present. When you have got lots of results, you need to turn them into a bar chart. I have added a template to seesaw that might help you or you could use 2calculate on Purple Mash that we used in the Autumn Term.(Remember, your Purple Mash log in is stuck in your reading log).

I will get you started on your survey my hoody would go into the clothes category. I can’t wait to see which is the most popular present type. Please post your tally charts and graphs on seesaw so I can share them all tomorrow.

PE – Today I thought you might enjoy this…find a space in your living room and enjoy some Dancestars. Maybe you could get all your family involved for your daily exercise! When you have finished I want you to think of how exercising makes you feel and write down a few words and phrases. I wonder if we will all come up with the same answers, I wonder whether our words would be different depending on the time of day, remember to share your words with me. Enjoy!


I hope everyone has a great day…get working!

Mrs A x

Home Learning Wednesday 6.1.21

Morning Class 3, I hope you are all up and ready for a day of home learning!

Today the challenges start…..Today’s Challenges

Challenge 1 – English – I hope everyone got some lovely Christmas Presents, if we were in school today we would have been talking about them and discussing who received what. Your challenge today is to write a riddle about your present for others to guess what you received. Can you remember when we wrote riddles about animals in our science books? Remember they need to have some tricky clues and some easier clues, they need to be written in the first person (I) and end with ‘What am I?’ I can’t wait to solve yours….can you solve mine?

Please post your riddles to seesaw and I will upload them from there. They can be handwritten, typed or even recorded – however works best for you. I will post my answer and all of your riddles tomorrow for us all to solve.

Challenge 2 – Art/Reading – As we will be unable to swap your reading books, I would like you to choose a book from home to read over the next few weeks. This could be something a little longer that you read as a family, at my house, we are currently reading a book called Danger Gang. Maisie and I are enjoying sharing the reading so some nights I read some and other nights she does. Because I would like you to choose a longer book, you will need to read it over a few weeks. In order to not lose your page, a bookmark is very handy…so, your second challenge today is to create your own bookmark. Please upload a photo of your bookmark to seesaw so I can see how great they are. If you are stuck for ideas have a look below or I have uploaded a template to seesaw that you could copy or print.

Challenge 3 – Wellbeing Wednesday – As during last Lockdown, on a Wednesday, we will have a ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ challenge. As it is a new year, I would like you to think about what you would like to achieve this year and write your own New Year’s Resolutions. I had planned to have a display of them all in the classroom using the title…

and we were going to write our resolutions on ‘right foot’ templates. Can you write your own in this way? You could draw round your own foot and write in the middle, use the template on seesaw by adding a text box or draw a foot on some big paper – maybe you could write some resolutions as a family on a giant foot. I look forward to reading your ideas.

So, there are your first 3 challenges. Remember to pop back tomorrow to see how everyone else tackled the challenges and see what else I have planned for us all.

Have fun…..Mrs A x

Our Spring Term Welcome! Virtually I’m afraid :(

Hi Class 3, this certainly isn’t the way I hoped to start the term!

Firstly, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year, thank you for all my lovely gifts. I know everyone’s Christmas and New Year plans were a little different this year but I hope you still had some fun and that Santa came!!

Unfortunately, Christmas day now seems a bit of a distant memory and after spending the day yesterday in school completing an amazing display to start our new theme and planning some fun activities, I am so sad to not be able to share it all with you in ‘real life’. But, for the next few weeks, this will become our ‘virtual classroom’ so lets have lots of fun! Here is the display for you all to see….

Image may contain: text that says 'What do we want to find out? Vikings and Anglo-Saxons Mmk VMAITHE THE INVADERS 1 SDκL'

Our New Theme

As you can see, our theme this term is ‘Buried Treasure’ and we will be looking firstly at Anglo Saxons and then Vikings. I wonder what you would like to find out about? Have a think as we will start to look closely at this from next week but this week we thought it would be good to complete some activities linked to Christmas like we would have done in school. This will also help to get us all used to remote learning and uploading our work to seesaw.

Our Home Learning Plan

Each day I will upload a post for you to find out about the challenges for the day. Most days their will be 3 challenges to complete, please try your best to complete as much as you can and upload your work to seesaw to show me what you have done. This can be in the form of photographs, pictures and writing using the seesaw app or a piece of work uploaded from elsewhere. I really do not mind how it is uploaded to seesaw. If anyone is having difficulty uploading, just email it through and I can add it to your child’s journal.

On the blog, I will also share any work I receive from the previous day so everyone can still see what everyone else has been busy with. Please remember to check the blog each day and post your work through seesaw so I can see it and share it. If you need to contact me please do so through the class email class3brandesburton@gmail.com

Can’t wait to see all your work tomorrow! Stay safe, Mrs A x