Home Learning 20.4.20

Hi Guys, hope you had a fun Easter holiday, even if it was a little different to other years…I hope you at least managed to enjoy some sunshine, eat an Easter egg and play with your family at home. From the posts on Seesaw it looks like many of you had fun!

Like Nancy, I also spent some time making a video…if you haven’t seen it please see the post below – it is very funny!! Thanks for the lovely comments from the people who have watched it – it sounds like my time spent was all worthwhile!!

Our New Theme

If we were back at school today we would be starting a new term and a new theme, you would be coming into the classroom and seeing a new display to start off our learning. Unfortunately that cannot happen at the moment.

However, we will still try to follow a theme and after a ‘virtual’ discussion with Mr M and Mr B we have decided as a key stage that our theme will be ‘Healthy Lifestyles’ (it was meant to be the Olympics but that wouldn’t really work at the moment)

Below are some of the questions I hope we will explore…

As you can see lots of our work will be based around Healthy Lifestyles and food! In order to cover the technology aspect of cooking I will post two recipes each week – feel free to choose one to try out or share other recipes with me – Mr Altoft is the ‘chef’ in our house so maybe I could learn some new skills too!!!

This week’s recipes…

PARENTS – If needed, more details for the recipes can be found on the website these were just ‘child’ friendly instructions.

So lets get started….Today’s Challenges

English – By looking at the English section above, I guess you can work out that I want to base our English work around the book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ If you have it at home, that’s great, if not we are going to share it in other ways.

Today’s task is based on chapters on chapters 1 and 2. If you have the book, take some time to have a read if not below is a link to this section…

Your task…Draw a picture of what you think Grandma looks like and then add adjectives and phrases to describe her around your picture. Remember to include words linked to both her appearance and behaviour. Upload a photo of your work and I will share some tomorrow. Be creative!

Science – As you can see our new science theme is all about our body. To start this off, I want to see how much you already know. Using a template of the body – how many body parts can you name and label? You may want to use chalk outside by drawing around yourself and then add labels, get some one to take a photo of you and add labels to it, draw it on paper yourself, make a model out of lego/pasta/straws/twigs? or use the template uploaded – its up to you.
I plan to look back at these at the end of the topic and see if we have found out anymore – hopefully we will be doing that in school together if its safe to do so.

Have fun – i’ll keep checking seesaw to see how you are getting on.

Home Learning 4.4.20

Ok, so I said I wasn’t going to post again but so much fab learning went on yesterday that I just had to share it with you…from rockets to science experiments, my seesaw feed had everything…here is a quick selection…

I am so proud – Well done!!

I hope you managed to see and enjoy my bedtime story for you all! We had so much fun choosing a story and making it (there were so many outtakes!) When Mr Altoft came in from work and I showed him he was quite jealous of our fun! He has asked if he can read one to you all soon, so keep your eyes on seesaw just in case I let him!!

Have a lovely Easter, keep up with all the work I mentioned yesterday especially the egg rolling challenge! Below are a couple of things I saw online just in case you get bored… I look forward to seeing your ‘at home’ adventures on seesaw soon! Stay safe and stay home xx

Home Learning 3.4.20

Hi again Class 3! Another fab day of learning yesterday – I received so many different pieces of work, photos and videos, I’m sorry I cant upload them all to the blog…this post would go on forever!! Here is a small selection…

Wow guys that is sooooo much!!

Today’s Challenges

I am not going to set any new things today, just to give people a chance to finish rockets, letters and science experiments. However, if you wanted one last ‘Space’ activity, this website has some cool bits on it…


As we technically finish for Easter today and it’s the end of the term, I just wanted to say how impressed I am with how well everyone has taken to online/home learning and it really has been a pleasure to ‘teach’ you all!!

I thought I would set a few tasks that you can complete over Easter if you wish (just in case anyone wants to keep a bit of structure or you get bored!!!)

  1. Read – choose a short novel and set yourself the challenge of reading it over the two weeks. We have now finished The Twits so I will aim to do the same with my girls. Feel free to let me know what you choose and I will let you know what we choose.
  2. Keep working on your times tables – I would love to hear when we come back to school that you have all learnt your 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x tables!
  3. Keep working on spellings. Spellings was going to be our big focus this half term but unfortunately that hasn’t happened so please make me proud by making sure you know all the year 1 and 2 common exception words and some of the year 3/4 ones.
  4. Make someone an Easter Card – you would have made them in school with Mrs Atkinson this week – please post your finished cards on Seesaw and I will forward them to her for her to see! I have added some ideas to seesaw to give you some inspiration if needed.
  5. Have an Easter Egg Hunt. I understand buying Easter Eggs could be tricky (is it an essential purchase!) so why not make some of your own out of card. You could decorate them and then cut them in half and challenge people to find the matching parts. I have posted some to seesaw if needed.
  6. We must keep up the Brandesburton tradition of Egg Rolling – can you find a way to have an egg rolling competition at home? Please post photos, videos and results. Maybe we could have the BIG VIRTUAL Egg Roll and if everyone measures their distance we can see whose travels the furthest!! The challenge is on Class 3!!!!

Finally, if I see anything else that looks like fun I will post it to seesaw over the two weeks so keep checking back. Also keep checking back today because I might post a little treat for you on seesaw later (I’m not promising though!!) just check later this afternoon!

Have a safe and fun Easter Holiday and I will definitely see you on Seesaw soon. Stay Home Class 3 xx

Home Learning 2.4.20

I hope you all enjoyed ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ yesterday. Shall we make it a weekly event? I loved seeing all your fab mindfulness colouring, your acts of kindness and the amazing letters you wrote to loved ones. It was also lovely to hear that you had made phone calls and connected with others. Maybe after Easter we will find a way to have a video call or something with as many of us as possible! I will set it as my Holiday Homework to myself to work out how!

As you can see, some of us wrote letters to each other and I was able to act as Postlady and deliver them (via seesaw) to the correct person! If anyone else wants to upload a letter for someone else in our class I will happily forward them – I am happy to spread the love!!!

Today Challenges

English – Just to keep our English knowledge up, I have uploaded two word classification challenges to seesaw. Can you colour the word types the correct colours? As an extra challenge, can you create your own for someone else to complete?

Science – Below are some cool STEM Science investigations for you all to try out. (I have also uploaded them to seesaw) Please try out one or two and let me know what happens, post photos etc – I will choose the investigation that sounds the most fun (from your reviews, photos and results) and try it out with Maisie and Matilda – I might even video it and upload it so you can see what happens! Have fun – remember to do lots of predicting and concluding like we did with the ice balloons.

Have a great day guys – keep up the hard work!

PARENTS – Thanks for all the lovely comments about the blog and seesaw – if its working for you I am happy to keep doing it! I am certainly enjoying seeing what everyone is getting up to!

If anyone wants any extra Maths work, CGP have currently released some of their books free of charge as a kindle download. The link for the Year 3 booklet is below, just click on ‘buy on Amazon’.

Home Learning 1.4.20

Hi Class 3, I hope you liked my extra special blog post yesterday!! If you missed it, please scroll back and have a look – lots of people have commented how funny it is!!!

It must have been inspirational because I received some fab newspaper reports and special news broadcasts!!! Well done class 3 you have excelled yourselves again!!

I am so impressed Class 3!!


I thought today, with everything going on at the moment, it would be nice to have ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’.
The weather isn’t as nice as last week, we are starting to miss each other and home schooling might not be as good as you thought it would be!!!

So, with that in mind….thanks for the selfies!! Now you can all see each other!!!

Today’s Challenges

1.Can you do something kind for someone else? It might be playing with a brother or sister, helping mum or dad with a job or even writing a letter to an elderly neighbour or friend – let’s spread some kindness. Let me know on seesaw what you decided to do.

2. Take some time out for yourself today to do some quiet mindfulness colouring or draw a picture. I have uploaded some colouring pictures to seesaw. You might like to do this one and put it in your window to show your thanks.

3. To link to our Maths work, can you carry out a survey to find out information about what people in your family like? It may be their favourite food, favourite colour, their best holiday destination or favourite subject at school – whatever you want to find out! See who you can phone or facetime and ask the question to – take some time out to have a chat with someone!

Have a lovely day and keep up the hard work!! xx

Parents – Please read the note I have added to your child’s seesaw feed. I would welcome any feedback. Thanks x

Home Learning 31.3.20

Class 3, so much learning took place yesterday, I approved over 80 posts on seesaw – I am so impressed! It has been lovely to see everything you have been doing and your fab ideas for rocket designs. I have to share the following video with you – so much fun can be seen! Well done guys!

If you haven’t managed to design and make your rocket yet – no worries, you have all week! Maybe some of the following ideas will help! I noticed on Class 5’s blog Mr Barnes has posted a similar rocket challenge – I think ours will be best!


Today Class 3 I have a massive challenge for you…you need to be newspaper reporters! The details can be found below….

Can you write a newspaper report to explain what has been found? Try to include an interesting headline and then details of what has happened. Add your own details to describe the spaceship and the alien that may have been found inside.

I have added two different templates to Purple Mash that you may like to use, a template to seesaw or you can design your own on paper and upload.

If you want an extra challenge you could also record a news report about the event as if it was live on BBC news!

Have fun!!

Ps. If you haven’t uploaded a selfie please do so today – I want to do something with them for tomorrow!

Home Learning 30.3.20

Hi Class 3, it’s Monday again! I hope you managed to find something interesting to do at home over the weekend. We sorted out our new fridge, played lots of games and coloured pictures to go in the windows.

I must start with a recap of Friday’s learning…you cheered me up so much with your fantastic stories about what Superman was doing. A special shout out to Olivia and Lacey…their stories were fab!! I’ve made them into a video so everyone can see them!!

Today’s Challenges

1. Computing – An easy one to start Monday Morning – Inspired by Annabelle’s facetime post, I would like you all to upload to seesaw a selfie of yourself waving to the screen!! I’m missing you all!!!

2. Week long challenge Design and Technology – If we had been at school this week, we would have been designing and making rockets to finish off our Final Frontier topic. Maybe we could still do this??….Can you design and make a rocket? Please spend time on your designs today and then spend sometime over the week making your model. Remember to upload any work if you can.

Below is the idea I had for our rockets – I had hoped to make them fly -however, it might be tricky to get hold of these ingredients at the moment. Maybe you could find another way to make your rocket fly? Please post videos if you do manage it!! (And be careful!!)

3. Maths – This week we were going to move onto looking at statistics – graphs etc. Task 1 – Can you complete a tally chart to show the different coloured cars in the car park below? Task 2 – Can you put your results into a graph?

Have a fun day, please let me know what else you get busy with!!

Home Learning 27.3.20

Well, its Friday and we have now been doing our home learning mission for nearly a week. I hope everyone had another fun day at home yesterday. I had a fun day at school with Maddie and Annabelle. We did some work, danced and scooted lots!!


Pobble365 As it is Friday, I thought it was only right to set you a Pobble! Here is today’s… http://www.pobble365.com/supermans-dilemma/

Can you write the story to explain what is happening to Superman? Who could he be phoning? What is he reading on his phone? What could be about to happen? Who could be asking for his help?

It may be useful to write a quick plan for your story – talk it over with a grown up, make a few notes or draw a couple of pictures so you know what is going to happen. Remember all stories have a beginning, middle and end.

Remember to click on the down arrow at the bottom of the picture to find out more and try the ‘sick sentence’ if you want. You could write your story as a comment on the blog, in your home learning book, email it to me or using a note page on seesaw. If you fancy being really clever, you could record yourself reading it into seesaw so I can listen like we do in class!!

Problem Solving Can you solve this problem? How many solutions can you find? Post your answers on seesaw…


Because you have all worked so hard this week. I thought it would be fun to go on a school trip! Click on the link below to see where we are going to go!?!


Which animal do you like best? Which animal would you rather be? Why? Can you find out what each animal eats? Please comment on this post to tell me what you thought!!

Have a fab weekend xx

Home Learning 26.3.20

Yesterday was another lovely sunny day and it looked like more fab learning took place, well done Class 3. It’s great to see how you are all keeping yourselves busy!! I hope you are not driving your grown ups mad just yet!!!

A big shout out to Zak for his fab Captain Underpants collage and also to Maisie who seemed to be very busy yesterday! Well done to everyone who took part in the scavenger hunt – Jack did it very quickly and Freddie added a worm into his hunting!

At my house, we had a morning of learning and then spent the afternoon working together on some new lego that Maisie got for Christmas. Remember things like this is still learning – we needed teamwork, instruction following, reading and perseverance!!!


I am not going to add anymore specific challenges today as I will be in school myself. Please spend time catching up on everything; maybe make a start on your ‘Trip to an unknown planet’ Holiday Brochure, practice some times tables or spellings and enjoy some reading. Please do keep up with these last three because they really are vital skills. Remember to upload to seesaw to show me what you have been doing. Below are some more web links you may find useful.




Staying Safe Online As we are all spending more time online during this time, there are some great new resources and home learning packs to help support safety online. Packs are available for different age ranges through the link below. Keep checking back as they will be updated regularly.


Andi Dawson As you may remember, during Reading Week we had a visit from local author Andi Dawson, she has now posted storytime videos on her Youtube channel :


And has also created lots of free resources and activities linked to her stories which you can download and complete:FREE resources Why not have an explore!

PARENTS – Please feel free to email if you are wanting any specific help in a certain area. I am trying to keep the activities interesting and fun please alter them to suit your child’s own interests or abilities. I would be happy to answer any questions or queries or discuss any requests or suggestions. I’ll be honest I’m finding this all very strange and I am missing the interaction of the children!! class3brandesburton@gmail.com

Thanks for all your support.