Hi Guys, hope you had a fun Easter holiday, even if it was a little different to other years…I hope you at least managed to enjoy some sunshine, eat an Easter egg and play with your family at home. From the posts on Seesaw it looks like many of you had fun!

Like Nancy, I also spent some time making a video…if you haven’t seen it please see the post below – it is very funny!! Thanks for the lovely comments from the people who have watched it – it sounds like my time spent was all worthwhile!!
Our New Theme
If we were back at school today we would be starting a new term and a new theme, you would be coming into the classroom and seeing a new display to start off our learning. Unfortunately that cannot happen at the moment.
However, we will still try to follow a theme and after a ‘virtual’ discussion with Mr M and Mr B we have decided as a key stage that our theme will be ‘Healthy Lifestyles’ (it was meant to be the Olympics but that wouldn’t really work at the moment)
Below are some of the questions I hope we will explore…

As you can see lots of our work will be based around Healthy Lifestyles and food! In order to cover the technology aspect of cooking I will post two recipes each week – feel free to choose one to try out or share other recipes with me – Mr Altoft is the ‘chef’ in our house so maybe I could learn some new skills too!!!
This week’s recipes…

PARENTS – If needed, more details for the recipes can be found on the website these were just ‘child’ friendly instructions.
So lets get started….Today’s Challenges
English – By looking at the English section above, I guess you can work out that I want to base our English work around the book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ If you have it at home, that’s great, if not we are going to share it in other ways.
Today’s task is based on chapters on chapters 1 and 2. If you have the book, take some time to have a read if not below is a link to this section…
Your task…Draw a picture of what you think Grandma looks like and then add adjectives and phrases to describe her around your picture. Remember to include words linked to both her appearance and behaviour. Upload a photo of your work and I will share some tomorrow. Be creative!
Science – As you can see our new science theme is all about our body. To start this off, I want to see how much you already know. Using a template of the body – how many body parts can you name and label? You may want to use chalk outside by drawing around yourself and then add labels, get some one to take a photo of you and add labels to it, draw it on paper yourself, make a model out of lego/pasta/straws/twigs? or use the template uploaded – its up to you.
I plan to look back at these at the end of the topic and see if we have found out anymore – hopefully we will be doing that in school together if its safe to do so.
Have fun – i’ll keep checking seesaw to see how you are getting on.