Home Learning 19.5.20

Another great day in our ‘virtual’ classroom yesterday Class 3 – well done! I hope you enjoyed my reading of Sam’s Sandwich!! Well done to everyone who worked on retelling the story. I must share Lachlan and Alasdair’s video – its fab boys….

Other fab retellings…

Breads from around the world….

Belle even made her own bread!

Other things people were busy with….

Well done guys….keep it up! Here are you ‘sandwich’ related tasks for today….

Today’s Challenges

Maths – Today we are going to continue with our work on time and concentrate on solving some problems…your clock will be useful again. I would like you to imagine you are working in Brandesburton Sandwich Shop, can you work out when everyone’s sandwiches will be ready for them to collect?

Art/Design – After working in the sandwich shop, you decide that you want to open your own Sandwich Shop!

Your challenge is to think of a name for your shop and design a logo for it. You might even want to think about what the front of your shop would look like, I have uploaded a template to seesaw for this…be creative!

Have a great day, I’ll catch up with seesaw posts after school x

Home Learning 18.5.20

Hey Class 3, hope you had a lovely weekend. It looked like lots of you enjoyed the Friday Treat, I was so impressed with your Disney artwork!! We have some fab artists in Class 3, take a look yourself….

Impressive or what!!

This week…

Did you know that this week it is National Sandwich Week?

As our topic links to healthy lifestyles/food and the sandwich is one of my favourite foods, I thought we would do lots of work around sandwiches this week! So lets get started…

Today’s Challenges

English – To start our sandwich theme we are going to have a bit of fun with the story of Sam’s Sandwich. I couldn’t find the story read anywhere so I have decided to read it to you myself – Have a look on seesaw and you will find me reading the story! Listen very carefully because today we are going to work on retelling it. Can you produce a story map or table to retell the story? Remember to include everything that both Samantha and Sam add to the sandwich. Can you use your story map or table to tell the story to someone else?

Geography – If you have a sandwich, chances are it will contain bread. But what does bread look like from different parts of the world? Can you use the internet to find out where the following different breads come from and label them on the map. For an extra challenge can you find three more types of bread and add them to the map.

Have you tried any of these breads?

PE – As bit of a change from the circuit training and assault course work we have been doing, I thought we could move onto some ball skills. Have a look at the following website and particularly videos No. 2, No.4, No. 12 and then try some out for yourself…(you can find the correct video by clicking on the icon in the top right hand corner where it says 1/25)

Have a great day!

PARENTS – Advance Warning…To complete our Design and Technology work for the term and to link with our sandwich work I would really like the children to design and make sandwiches on Friday. Obviously this can be as big or as little as you wish but I just thought an advance warning may be useful. Thank you so much for your continued support with all the activities. I was so proud to work out that last week 75% of the children completed every task given and 86% of children completed at least one task. It is really making me smile seeing all their hard work – so thank you x

Home Learning 15.5.20

WARNING IT’S ANOTHER LONG POST….Morning guys! I can’t believe it’s already Friday again – the weeks are flying by! Thursday saw yet more fab learning in Class 3. It looks like you are all doing well with telling the time and your photography skills are ace! I also enjoyed seeing more talents….I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s …thanks for the comments! I agree with Nancy and Arthur, it would definitely be golden buzzers all round!

Here are some of your fab photos…looks like you had fun!

Next….Ready for a catch up of some more talents? Let’s go…

First up, Zak, today he would like to show his own talent of dinosaur naming….some tricky names there Zak, well done!

Leo is back, this time with a different talent….He would like to share his Computing skills with us, he has been altering images, changing sound and making videos

Next up James, he can reverse his tractor better than his Dad…looks like you will be in the real thing soon James!!

Now for Phoebe and some amazing gymnastic skills…so cool Mrs!

Liam’s up next, on his bike… but he is riding without holding the handlebars! Wow Liam!

Annabelle wants to share some of her fab dancing with everyone…love it!

Oliver’s talent is cool…look how long he can hang from his bars…Wow!

Finally, Maisie and Matilda would like to share something we made yesterday afternoon. Matilda’s school work this week was all about beanstalks so we made our own version of Jasper’s Beanstalk…!

Today’s Challenges

As it’s Friday, I’m not going to post too much as I like to give everyone a chance to catch up before the weekend and of course we have to have Treat Friday!

Spellings – I thought we would move spellings to a Friday, or did I just forget to post them on Tuesday!?!? This week’s spellings are some of the common exception words. Check out purple mash to see how many you can’t get right.

Also try out these websites to practice more of the common exception words…



This second site also covers many of the spelling patterns for year 3 so could be useful for a recap.

English – If you didn’t finished your rainbow poem, please spend some time finishing it today. I would love to make a display of them in school so you may want to write up your poem, or part of your poem and illustrate it. If you have already done this please keep it save for our return!

Extra Challenge if wanted – Just to finish off our rainbow work, I’ve found a rainbow scavenger hunt for us to try…can you find some items and then create a rainbow with them and upload a photo? How creative can you be?

Treat Friday – On Wednesday, I shared my Disney drawings, I thought as a treat you might like to have a go! Use the guides on seesaw to have a try…I would love to see your drawings!

Have a fantastic weekend….go for a walk or a bike ride….enjoy the dry weather….stay safe!

Home Learning 14.5.20


It is official BRANDESBURTON HAS TALENT!!!!! I was so impressed yesterday with the seesaw feed of class 3. Not only with the amazing talents you had to show but also with your amazing poetry writing!!!

I said not to worry if you didn’t write all your poem today but I received finished, amazingly presented poems – I felt so proud!! Don’t worry if you haven’t finished them yet – I will give you some more time on Friday.

Here are some of your poems so far….

Now for your talents, don’t worry if you didn’t have chance to upload your talent – I will continue to upload any I get…You really made me smile with them…thank you!

First up…Zak wanted to share his Mum’s talent – look at the fab rainbow that his mum made him!! I love it Zak!

Next up Jack, he is showing his Mum’s, his own and Chloe’s amazing drawing skills – seriously good skills guys!

More drawing up next from Reuben…brilliant ideas….I love to see your artwork.

Now for some videos, first up, Nancy and Arthur…can you work out who their impressions are of?!?!? This made me laugh so much….

Next…Maisie, lots of talents in this one…video making, baking and the splits!

Time for Annabelle….giant skipping! This certainly isn’t easy! Well done!

Maddie also wanted to share her new skills…more skipping and roller blading…I used to love roller blading!

Let’s go to Nunkeeling next and Tom…love how everyone has got involved…fab video Tom!

Next up….Freddie….Brilliant Lego building….so detailed Fred…Well done.

More lego next from Lachlan and Alasdair but this time an amazing animation…love this so much!

Some gymnastics next from Olivia….amazing skills here…well done Liv!

Next to Rosie….look at that wiggle!! So speedy!!

Next up is Leo with some amazing singing…guest staring Thomas and Holly..it is brilliant Leo!!!

Some more singing next with Nancy…amazing…definitely a golden buzzer!

Last but not least is Pippa with some amazing colouring, and also brilliant video making skills…

Well Class 3, this proves it – what a talented bunch you are!! I am so impressed!!! A massive well done!

Right, onto some work for today….

Today’s Challenges

Maths – Firstly a little bit more work on time, I hope you have kept your fab clock safe because you will need it again today. If not the two links below are to interactive clocks which also have digital time which will be very handy for you. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/clock/index.html

We are going to continue working on telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and also look at digital time today. For a quick recap, can you cut out the cards (also on seesaw) and then play matching pairs?

After this, have a look at how the digital time works – I have included some slides to help you understand how it works.

Can you write the digital times for the matching card game and then play the game again trying to match all three time types?

You might also want to check out these websites… http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L9643/index.html


Computing – Continuing with our work on photography, today I want you to experiment with the photo editing tools on your tablet, phone etc. Can you take a photo of something or someone at your house and see if you can alter the photo? For example, you might change the colour setting, add something to the image, change it to black and white or use a funny filter. If you want an extra challenge, you could take a few different photos and see if you can make a piccollage of them – have fun experimenting but make sure you ask permission before borrowing someone’s tablet/phone!!

Have a great day. Mrs A x

Ps Look out for an extra treat from Leo on your newsfeed later today…a special storytime!

Home Learning 13.5.20

Hi Class 3, when I finally came online at 7.30pm last night after a fun day in school I was so impressed to see almost 60 posts to approve!!!! Well done to everyone who practiced telling the time and finding out about muscles. I loved all your fab clock designs – I must mention Olivia who didn’t have a split pin so she used her Brandesburton badge from 175 years – great idea Liv!!! Which clock design would you like in your bedroom? Arthur, I bet you like Jack’s Hull KR coloured clock!

I was also really impressed to see everyone’s fab muscle posters and information sheets. When I had a read I definitely found out things I didn’t know!

Well done to anyone who tried the moving arms and hands. We had a try in school and thanks to Mrs Holland we had success!!

Well done to Lachlan and Alasdair who also made a fab model…

Wow Class 3, as you can see, there really was so much to show you…finally I get to today’s challenges…!

Today’s Challenges

English – Today we are going to use our colours and nouns linked to the rainbow to create some poems. We are going to base our ideas around the game ‘Eye Spy’ and each verse is going to follow the same pattern.

For Example….

Please share your fab ideas and poems on seesaw for me to see. We are going to continue working on these on Friday, so don’t worry if you don’t get it finished today. A perfect poem may take time!

Wellbeing Wednesday – I decided on this activity at the weekend whilst watching Britain’s Got Talent…today I want…BRANDESBURTON’S GOT TALENT!

Your challenge is to share your talents with us all. It might be a song, a dance, a gymnastic move, a joke, riding your bike, a drawing, a medal, a certificate or a new skill you have learnt…whatever you are proud of…you have 20-30 seconds to perform/show your talent. Please don’t feel you have to take part but I know you all have special talents and things you are proud of! Perhaps you could have your own show at home and share all your talents together.

I will start us off…Here is some artwork I did with the girls a few weeks ago, I was really proud of my drawings and was quite surprised with myself!

I can’t wait to see your talents. Have fun!

Home Learning 12.5.20

Well done Class 3, there was even more amazing learning taking place in Brandesburton yesterday. I loved seeing your fab PE lessons containing lots of bear walks, balancing and jumping. I also saw some brilliant language ideas linked to the colours of the rainbow. Please keep your ideas safe because you will need them on Wednesday.

A big shout out to Lacey who presented her work beautifully and also Tom and Olivia who did their full names, including middle names, for the name workout challenge! Well done guys!!

I also loved seeing more VE Day posts from over the weekend. Can anyone solve Reuben’s morse code message?

Right, lets get onto today’s work….

Home Learning

Maths – We are going to move onto a new Maths unit looking at telling the time. Your challenge today is to make your own clock so you can use it to help with our work.

In Year 3, you need to be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Use your clock to practice. I have added some slides to seesaw to help you. The following games may also be useful.



Keep your clock safe as you will need it later in the week.

Science – After looking closely at the skeleton, next we need to move onto looking at muscles. Muscles are needed to help us move. Watch this video to find out more.

Can you make an information sheet, poster or piece of writing to explain how our muscles work? You might even want to try to make a model to help your explanation. Have fun!

I am in school today so will catch up with your seesaw posts after school – I look forward to seeing what you have created!!! Mrs A x

Home Learning 11.5.20

Wow Class 3, VE Day was celebrated in some amazing ways. My seesaw feed was filled with parachute investigations, bunting, paper airplanes, morse code, baking and dancing – I was so impressed. You should feel very proud. Here is just a small snap shot of some of the things that were happening in your homes around Brandesburton…Enjoy!

Well done to Phoebe for solving Maisie’s morse code message, can anyone solve Nancy and Arthur’s?

Today’s Challenges

So its another week, I hope we are all ready for some more amazing learning. After all our fab work on George’s Marvellous Medicine and also on Fractions, we need to start new English and Maths units and also complete more work based around our Healthy Lifestyles theme. Let’s get started….

English – At the moment, rainbows are everywhere, they are seen as a symbol of hope in these strange times. So I thought we would base this week’s English work on the rainbow and write some descriptive poems.

Today I would like you to think of nouns to link to each colour of the rainbow, you will need three ideas for each colour. For example, a red bus, an orange traffic cone, the long green grass. Keep your ideas safe and also upload them to seesaw as we will need them on Wednesday to write our poems. Try to make your ideas as varied as you can. Be creative…

PE – After our amazing assault course ideas, I thought we could do some circuit training this week. Think back to Autumn Term, and the activities we completed with Cross Fit Barbaric. Lots of these activities could be completed in your garden or living room. This might be a good warm up to get you started, can you use your name to get warmed up?

Next, try some of the following activities. Do each one for 30 seconds and then move onto the next one. You might want to record how many you complete in the time and then repeat the activities later in the week and see if you can beat your score.

Remember to cool down at the end. Have fun!

Mrs A

Home Learning 7.5.20

Well done to everyone who made a great start to our VE Day work and celebrations, many of you worked so hard, I’ve seen some fab bunting all ready for Friday, maps of countries involved and some amazing diary entries. They are brilliant snapshots of events in the current world and in years to come will be real history.

Rosie did some role play!

Can anyone crack Maisie’s code?

As I said in yesterday’s post, our VE Day theme is continuing today so please continue with the activities set and see which challenges you can complete, continuing to have fun along the way!…I do have a little treat for you though….

Extra Special Challenge

I’ve got an extra special challenge just for Class 3 today…Clare from Dancestars has made us a special VE Day dance to learn! Why not learn it as a family for your party tomorrow. I would love to see your dance routines!


I have also added a few more templates, some recipes for your party food, and a word search to seesaw if needed. Tom said the spitfire didn’t fly too well so I have also found a new one, I wonder if this one flies any better!?! I look forward to seeing your posts.

Remember to also post your party photos on seesaw tomorrow!

Have a fab Bank Holiday VE Day. Stay safe Mrs A x

Home Learning – 6.5.20

Well done Class 3, more great learning and fun had yesterday. I saw some brilliant book reviews, Leo and Nancy recorded theirs and lots of people did some amazing writing. In school, Annabelle did her review using Chatterkid, I’m sure you will agree it’s fab!

If you enjoyed reading George’s Marvellous Medicine, maybe you could read another Roald Dahl book, we are currently reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I know Leo has been reading Danny the Champion of the world.

It looked like you enjoyed the art task. We enjoyed it in school even if making the foil figures was a little tricky, we did cheat a little though!

A big shout out to Freddie who made not one, not two but ten figures! He then names them all and played with them – fab idea Fred!

Remember to keep your little figure safe because we are going to use them again in another Art lesson real soon.

Today’s Challenges

As I explained on Monday, we are going to base the rest of our week on activities linked to VE Day. On Friday, VE Day represents 75 years since the end of World War Two in Europe, a very important part of History.

For today, tomorrow and Friday, I am going to give you lots of suggestions of activities for you to choose. The only activity I would definitely like you to try is the first on the list, the rest of the list, you can choose which to complete. Over the next few days you may wish to do one activity, two or as many as you like. I hope you have some fun doing them. I have tried to make them fun! Remember to post photos to seesaw so I can share them tomorrow.

Please complete this activity….

Just like 75 years ago, we are making History right now and maybe in the future Lockdown 2020 and the Coronavirus will be studied in school. Can you write a diary entry to document this time in History. How do you feel? What have you been doing? What has life been like?
We hope to create a display of diary entries in school to document this time. We might even bury some of them in a time capsule to be dug up in many years to come! Please upload your diary entries to seesaw so they can be printed when we are back at school. If you are struggling with ideas, I have uploaded some templates to seesaw.

Activities to choose….(click on blue links for more info)

English – Phonetic Alphabet The phonetic alphabet that was used in RAF transmissions during the war. Learn to spell your name using the phonetic alphabet e.g. Ted = Tango    Echo   Delta. Can you pretend to send some messages using walkie-talkies and the phonetic alphabet?

Morse Code – Morse code is a communication system that represents the alphabet and numbers with a series of dots, dashes or a combination of both as shown here. Watch this video to find out more about Morse Code. Can you write a secret coded message for your family to crack? Post your message on seesaw and I will share it for others to solve.

Music – VE Day Songs – Try and learn the Horrible Histories VE Day song (click on the link) and perform it to your family. It is really funny!!

CBBC | Horrible Histories: WWII VE Day Song

History- Winston Churchill – Who was Winston Churchill? Why do we remember him today? Produce a fact file/ poster displaying your information about him. What was his job? Why was he so important during WW2? What was one of his famous phrases? Can you describe his characteristics? Why he was important? This link may be useful to help you Ducksters.

Geography – Many countries were a part of World War II. Can you find out which countries were involved in World War Two? Can you label them on a map? There is a template on seesaw if needed.

Homemade parachute army guy for VBS | Army party, Army men, Vbs

Science – Parachutes – During the war parachutes were used by paratroopers, some were even accompanied by dogs. Can you design and make your own parachute using materials from around the house? Time how long it takes for your parachute to fall to the floor. You could hold it yourself or even ask an adult to help you drop it from a window, what could you use to make it fall faster or slower?

Design and Technology Make, Do and Mend – During WW2, there was a shortage of materials to make clothes. People were urged to “Make, do and mend”. Do you have any clothes or accessories that you could ‘upcycle’ into new a new outfit – maybe use one of dad’s old shirts to make yourself an outfit or something of yours as an outfit for a teddy. Maybe you could have a fashion show of your new outfits. Remember to ask permission before cutting anything up! We tried this activity on Monday using some socks and had great fun…

Art – Can you design a VE day medal? Search the internet to look at other medals. What important words would you display on your medal? I have uploaded a template to seesaw if you need them.

Spitfires were some of the planes used during WW2. Can you design your own spitfire? Templates are on seesaw.

And finally…Be ready for Friday – ‘Stay At Home’ Street Party – Read this article on Newsround and look closely at the photographs. How did people celebrate in 1945? Plan your own ‘stay at home’ street party. Can you prepare for the party – what decorations can you make? Can you make some union jack bunting or a flag? Maybe you could make a Union Jack out of Lego! I have uploaded lots of different templates to seesaw for you to colour. You might want to even all dress in red, white and blue! Remember to post your photos of your party to seesaw!

Have a great day x

Home Learning 5.5.20

Yesterday was another busy day on Seesaw. I saw assault courses, photographs of people leaping and some amazing maps and leaflets to advertise George’s Farm. I think many of you could go down to Honeysuckle Farm and get a job on their marketing team!

A big shout out to Lachlan and Alasdair who also made promotional videos for the farm…Alasdair’s even had the ‘Eggy Weggy Cafe’ and you could buy some of the magic medicine in the gift shop! Have a listen to Lachlan’s would it make you want to visit the farm?

I saw so many fab ideas for your assault courses, there were 3 legged races, ironing boards, logs to jump over, slides, blankets to commando crawl under and balls being thrown, kicked and bounced – really good ideas, some fab teamwork and brilliant photos taken – you will need these photos today?!?!?

One assault course I must share with you though is James’s, he took full advantage of the space at the farm and all the different tyres he could find – brilliant work Mr!

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – This week’s spelling pattern on Purple Mash is adding the suffix -ly to words. For example, happy – happily, gentle – gently – think carefully about what you do with the root word before adding -ly.

English – Today we get the 5th and final installment of George’s Marvellous Medicine.Watch or read chapters 12 to the end. Enjoy….

Well, did you expect that ending? Do you feel sorry for Grandma or do you think this is what she deserved?

For your final challenge, like we do in Guided Reading, I would like you to complete a book review of the story. You can do this however you like, as a written review, a poster or a video you might even want to try and download the app ‘Chatterpix kids’ to make the front cover of the book talk in the style of a review. Its up to you, I have uploaded a book review template to Purple Mash and some to seesaw just in case you need them.

Wooden Human Mannequin - Wooden Drawing Model Sectioned Posable ...

Art – Our Art unit this term is all about drawing people in action, so your challenge today is to use your photographs from yesterday to draw yourself. Often when people draw figures, they use a movable wooden model to help them position the different body parts. We are going to start the unit by making our own models out of foil. Can you get yourself some foil and shape it into a person shape as shown below?

tin foil figures with shadow | Elementary art, Art classroom

Next, use your model to help you draw yourself. Shape the foil to match your photograph and then get busy drawing. Watch this video for some helpful hints.

Remember to upload a photo of your foil model and your drawings so I can share them tomorrow. Do not throw your person away we will need them later in the unit.

Draw More People in Action by Diana-Huang in 2020 (With images ...

As I am in school today, I will have a go at this challenge and post my drawings as well! I bet your drawings will be better than mine!

Have fun Mrs A