Homework is sent out in paper form, however an electronic copy is available below. Any homework can be returned by bringing paper copies into school or uploading digital images to Seesaw.
Welcome to Class 3
I have been so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm for learning since we returned to school. It has made for a fantastic start to the school year.
The children have adapted easily to the new classroom routines, and a particular shout out must go to all of those who have moved up from Key Stage 1.
Last week, I asked all the children to log onto Purple Mash, TT RockStars and Seesaw as part of their homework. Whilst I can see that many children have been able to access the online learning, there are a few children who have not logged on. Please let me know if you have any problems and I will try and rectify them as quickly as possible.
16.9.22 Homework
Homework is sent out in paper form, however an electronic copy is available below. Any homework can be returned by bringing paper copies into school or uploading digital images to Seesaw.
Weekly Round-up (+ homework)
Class 3 have had another amazing week.
In English, we have been very busy writing our non-chronological reports about Italy. I am so impressed with how hard the children have worked and the knowledge they have gained.

Thank you to everyone who helped with homework, it has really helped to enhance their work! We plan to get the reports finished today (Friday) and I will post them on seesaw soon.
In Maths we have continued our tricky work on Fractions, we now know how to add and subtract simple fractions and also how to find fractions of amounts – I’m really impressed how hard they have been working.
We also had great fun starting our Computing unit looking at creating our own computer games. The children loved evaluating existing ones and then starting to make their own.

This week, we have started to work on our whole class guided reading text, ‘The Twits’. The children are thoroughly enjoying the story and we had lots of fun exploring the main characters Mr and Mrs Twit. For homework, I would like you to re-read the story so far using the PDF of the story below, and then make/draw/paint a picture of one of the two main characters. You can do this using any media you want. Perhaps you could make Mr Twit’s beard showing everything it in or you could paint Mrs Twit with her walking stick. Finally, can you add labels using parts of the text to show details of their character?
Finally, this week’s Quick Start if you want another go at home…
Our flight and trip to Italy! (+Homework)
Despite only being in school three days this week – Class 3 have had such a busy week – flying to and visiting Italy!!
On Wednesday we all gathered passports, bags, fruit and boarding cards and we were off!! After some very strict passport control we boarded the plane and enjoyed a 2 hour 33 minute flight to Italy.

Once in Italy we had a guided tour, found out about the main landmarks, made fraction pizzas, found out about culture in Italy and made our own tourist photos – we were so busy!

Next week, we are going to use all the information we found out to write our own non-chronological reports about Italy – watch this space!
For homework, I would like you to see if you can find out more about Italy ready for the start of next week. Here are some ideas…
Can you find out about the language?
Can you find out about the different landmarks to visit?
Can you find out about the flag and what the different colours mean?
Can you find out about the food or maybe the music?
Feel free to use these ideas or come up with your own. The more you find out – the better your finished report will be!
Quick Starts for Maths
Below are links to our last two quick starts. Please feel free to consolidate this learning at home. I have also added a drawer to the maths area in class, with previous weeks work in it – your child is welcome to help themselves to any if they wish.
Finally, thank you to everyone who joined us for our Showcases this week, it was lovely to have you in school and the children loved the opportunity to share their work. Thank you for all the kind donations for your child’s artwork. We look forward to spending it on more equipment!
First Week Back (+Homework)
We have had a fab first week back – we have started to look at non-chronological reports in English and we have learnt how to add and subtract fractions in Maths. We had great fun using Rubik’s cubes to calculate fractions and we enjoyed seeing our tweet being shared by Rubik’s cube official!

This week we have also started our Science topic of Electricity. We started by looking at things that use electricity and talked about which use mains electricity and which use battery power. For your homework challenge this week, I would like you to see if you can find any electrical appliances at home and tell me about whether they use mains electricity or battery power. You could do this as a list, as drawings, as photographs or as a video – remember to upload your work to seesaw so we can share it in our next science lesson.
Please also remember your bag and fruit for our flight to Italy on Wednesday (further details below)
Summer Term – Rampaging Romans!
I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday and that you didn’t eat too many Easter Eggs! I hope everyone is ready and raring to go into Summer Term.
Our Curriculum
This term our theme will be: ’Rampaging Romans’. As shown below, much of our work will be based around the theme –
Please take time to discuss work with your child and if possible encourage them to complete further work, reading or research at home. Any work completed at home can be uploaded to seesaw. Please remember to save it to the ‘home learning’ folder. A few minutes of discussion with your child may highlight an area that they may feel they require further work on, and five minutes on it after school may just make them feel more confident and happy.
We will be starting off our term with ……… A ‘trip’ to Italy!!!!!
As the launch event for this term’s theme, we are going to go on a ‘virtual’ holiday to Italy. Our flight is booked for Wednesday 4th May. On this date, please send your child with a small bag and a named piece of fruit. Whilst ‘in’ Italy we hope to find out all about the culture and tourist attractions. Don’t worry our return ‘flight’ will be landing in time for home time!

The Cave of Curiosity
In our final English unit before Easter, class 3 worked on a poem called the Cave of Curiosity. I was so impressed with how much they achieved in a week – we identified the features, learnt about abstract nouns and the apostrophe of possession, used our senses to think of new lines for the poem and then created our own amazing poems with the same features. I was so impressed with the final outcomes that we all chose our favourite line from our own poems to create one big whole class poem. Here it is….
The Cave of Curiosity
In the cave of curiosity, I created
Paper crunching in a crocodile’s mouth
The sound of a ruler snapping
And the smell of a juicy tomato squeezing all over the table.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
A happy hippo ambling along in a dusty desert
A dog buying a can of beans in the ocean
and the touch of a soggy goldfish.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
An elephant’s trunk wrapping around a tree
A guinea-pig riding on a go-kart with boosters on the back
and the sea eating some grass in a tree.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
The taste of a sea urchin in the swallow water
The smell of raw meat on a summer’s beach
And some sizzling sausages whizzing around in bright circles.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
The sight of a crazy hamster riding a little aeroplane shooting tiny fireworks
The touch of a golden doodle’s wet nose wetting the bedding
And a tiny tiger tickling her babies.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
A giraffe’s head peeking over a tiny fence
A silly adder on a burning bbq
And a fluffy teddy bear saying ‘hello teddy’.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
The sound of silence with my nice friends dancing with me
A person drinking a cocktail while watching the sun set down
And the touch of tentacles playing with dirty hair.
In the cave of curiosity, I created
A box of lies lying on a leopard’s back
The smell of stinky cheese from miles away
And the sound of a ticking clock inside a crocodile.
In the cave of curiosity, I captured
A bird singing in the morning
A sound in a box rustling about
And an octopus in the darkness of the ocean.
It is just fab!! Well done Class 3!
I wonder what you would put in your cave of curiosity?
Weekly Round up (+Homework)
This week we decided to write our blog post together as a class!
This week we have finished our explanation texts and our ‘silly’ explanations about how a lighthouse works. Here are some of our true facts…
Did you know a lighthouse could also be called a lamphouse? – Imogen
Fresnel made the lens – Thomas
There are over 100 lighthouses in the UK – Nelson
You can see a lighthouse 24 metres out to sea – Bobby
The statue of Liberty is actually a lighthouse but it doesn’t work anymore – Freddie.
We definitely know lots more about a lighthouse!
We have also learnt more about rocks and how strong they are, to do this, we completed an experiment using sandpaper. We also made branching databases to sort rocks. We are certainly becoming rock experts!

We are having a big push on presentation this half term and we have noticed lots of children still find it tricky to spell the days of the week and the months of the year. Can you spell them all correctly? For an extra challenge, can you write some interesting sentences using these words? What happens in your house on a Sunday? Which nights do you go to a club or swimming? Maybe your sentences can include some answers to these questions. I can’t wait to see the date spelt correctly on all your work!
Weekly Round up (+Science Homework)
We have had another very busy week in Class 3 this week. The children have been so busy with science week, learning how to multiply big numbers, our final swimming session and a fun packed forest schools day on Friday. It really has been non stop!
We had a very exciting time on Wednesday, firstly a lighthouse appeared in the classroom!

And then we received a letter from the author of our English text asking for our help.

We decided as a class to write an explanation of how a lighthouse works and we have since been busy researching it! I have been very proud of how some of the children have completed research at home and how one child told me he is going to visit one at the weekend – I love how the children are taking an active role in their learning!!! Keep it up class 3!! I look forward to sharing our finished explanation texts with you soon.
For homework this week I would like you to make sure you have completed Mrs Platten’s reading challenge linked to Science Week. Details can be found below. We have all completed challenge 3 in school so only challenge 1 and 2 to go. I have certificates ready so remember to upload your photos to seesaw…happy reading!
Weekly Round-up + Homework
We have had another fab week in Class 3. This week we have begun a new English Unit based on the book ‘Until I met Dudley’, begun to use the skills of throwing and catching in Netball, learnt about water safety at our swimming lessons and finished our amazing paintings based on Monet.

The children were also lucky enough to have a workshop from Yorkshire Water on Thursday, it was great to have actual people in school and we all learnt lots about how the water gets to our taps.

For homework this week, I would like you to prepare for our Maths lessons next week by having a BIG practice of your timetables. Next week we will begin to look at multiplying bigger numbers and we NEED to know the basic multiplication facts in order to do this.
Please remember the end of year expectations for Year 3 are to know the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables and for Year 4 the expectation is to know all tables up to 12×12. It is very important that the children do learn them as towards the end of year 4 all children are required to complete the Multiplication Check.
More details can be found on the document below.
The children could spend time practicing on Times Table Rockstars, using the games set as 2dos on purple mash (log ins for both can be found in their reading logs), accessing some of the links below or perhaps you could reuse the multiplication game many of you made for homework back in January.
You may also find that songs help your child to remember the facts. The following links are for the 4 and 8 times table but many others can be found on YouTube.
Finally, these are previous Quick Starts we have completed in school that contain multiplication and division facts to practice – any little bit of practice really does help!