Weekly Round up (+Science Homework)

We have had another very busy week in Class 3 this week. The children have been so busy with science week, learning how to multiply big numbers, our final swimming session and a fun packed forest schools day on Friday. It really has been non stop!

We had a very exciting time on Wednesday, firstly a lighthouse appeared in the classroom!

And then we received a letter from the author of our English text asking for our help.

We decided as a class to write an explanation of how a lighthouse works and we have since been busy researching it! I have been very proud of how some of the children have completed research at home and how one child told me he is going to visit one at the weekend – I love how the children are taking an active role in their learning!!! Keep it up class 3!! I look forward to sharing our finished explanation texts with you soon.


For homework this week I would like you to make sure you have completed Mrs Platten’s reading challenge linked to Science Week. Details can be found below. We have all completed challenge 3 in school so only challenge 1 and 2 to go. I have certificates ready so remember to upload your photos to seesaw…happy reading!

Weekly Round-up + Homework

We have had another fab week in Class 3. This week we have begun a new English Unit based on the book ‘Until I met Dudley’, begun to use the skills of throwing and catching in Netball, learnt about water safety at our swimming lessons and finished our amazing paintings based on Monet.

The children were also lucky enough to have a workshop from Yorkshire Water on Thursday, it was great to have actual people in school and we all learnt lots about how the water gets to our taps.


For homework this week, I would like you to prepare for our Maths lessons next week by having a BIG practice of your timetables. Next week we will begin to look at multiplying bigger numbers and we NEED to know the basic multiplication facts in order to do this.

Please remember the end of year expectations for Year 3 are to know the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables and for Year 4 the expectation is to know all tables up to 12×12. It is very important that the children do learn them as towards the end of year 4 all children are required to complete the Multiplication Check.

More details can be found on the document below.

The children could spend time practicing on Times Table Rockstars, using the games set as 2dos on purple mash (log ins for both can be found in their reading logs), accessing some of the links below or perhaps you could reuse the multiplication game many of you made for homework back in January.




You may also find that songs help your child to remember the facts. The following links are for the 4 and 8 times table but many others can be found on YouTube.

Finally, these are previous Quick Starts we have completed in school that contain multiplication and division facts to practice – any little bit of practice really does help!

World Book Day

The Year 3s and 4s had an amazing two days celebrating World Book Day (we simply could not fit everything into one day)! We worked on the World Book Day rap, we explored what makes us want to read a book, we completed orienteering linked to books, explored rhyming words, shared books with KS1, explored our own favourite books and also looked at Mrs Altoft’s new book ‘The incredible book eating boy’ – we seriously never stopped!! The children all worked so hard and I hope we helped to further develop their love of reading.



To continue our reading fun, everyone has all brought home a book review to complete, please complete this at home and then return it to school to be displayed in the library and be entered into a competition for a prize – I cant wait to hear more about your favourite book!

Designing Coastal Resorts

On Wednesday morning the year 3s and 4s had great fun designing their own coastal resorts. They had to include features such as arches, caves, stacks and stumps that we have learnt about and also had to think about the different physical features and human features they needed to include. The children then pitched each resort to our ‘Dragon’s Den’ judges to see what each resort had to offer. I would definitely say we have some very persuasive children – we were offered 2 for 1 hotel stays, scavenger hunts in the forest with hot chocolate, soft plays to ‘dump your kids’ and much much more! It was fab to see everyone on task, working as a team and contributing their ideas.

What a busy week!! (+ half term homework)

We have really had a very busy, hard working week in Class 3 this week – from writing some amazing diary entries as Erin to gaining lots of knowledge about fractions, from finding out about coastal erosion, fossils and Mary Anning in Science to some fab discussions about Internet Safety for Safer Internet Day – we really have not stopped!

I am not going to set any extra homework this week – I think you all need a rest after all your hard work!! Please still remember to read at least 3 times and practice your times tables.

Below is information about our half term homework….you have until Friday 4th March to complete it but you might want to get thinking….

Half Term Homework

To link with our work on Coasts, I would like you to find out about a coastal town /a coast of your choice….you can present the information however you want, as a poster, a map, a leaflet, a model or a presentation…. Maybe you could make a model showing the cliff and the different features!…maybe you could pretend to be a television presenter and make a video live from Hornsea!….maybe you could even make your own model of Black Rock!

You can upload your finished work to seesaw or bring it into school – I can’t wait to see what you create!

Have a think about the following questions to help with your research…(you don’t have to find the answers to them all)

Where is the town situated in the UK?

Can you find out about the coast – what coastal features does it have – a stack? an arch? any caves?

What things can you do in the town?

How has the town changed over time?

Have a look at the following photos for some inspiration….there is even one made of cake!!

Have a fab half term holiday when it comes!!

Diary Entries (+ Homework)

This week Class 3 have LOVED reading more of The Secret of Black Rock. The suspense and excitement could be felt through the classroom as we found out the fate of Erin and how Black Rock woke up!!!

Pin on Children's Book Inspirations

We decided that after such an eventful day, Erin would possibly go home and write it all down in a diary. So, next we found out about the features of a diary. The children worked so well in groups to identify the different features.

I think we are definitely ready to write our diaries in the role of Erin…I hope to post some online soon!


For Homework this week, I would like you to write your own diary entry. It could be about an event from the weekend, something you have done after school or from a day at school. Can you use some of the features we talked about?

Remember to post your diary on seesaw so we can share some in class. Happy writing!

Weekly Round-up (+Homework 28.1.22)

This week has again been a busy one…more work on The Secret of Black Rock (see post below for our cool twitter comment), division in Maths, exploring Monet’s seascapes, looking at vocabulary linked to rocks and soils and working on our Jigsaw theme of Dreams and Goals.

I must also mention how well the children did in swimming this week. We have really got into a great routine of getting changed and EVERYONE worked so hard in the swimming pool. A mention also goes to the parent helpers – we couldn’t do it without you!

For homework this week, we have set a class goal of ALL READING AT LEAST 3 TIMES. The children also have a set times table to learn and there will be a test on Friday. I have also added some optional activities to seesaw linked to division and multiplication which they may want to complete.

Here’s to another great week in Class 3.

Quick Starts

This term we have begun to use Quick Starts to improve our recall of Maths facts and revisit different objectives from the year. We have moved our timetable around so that all the children come in on a morning and get started straight away…. I am so impressed that by 8.55am all the children have their heads down working on their Maths skills. Here is an example of last week’s Quick Start, every day the format is the same for the week so the children know what is expected…I wonder what the challenge will be next week? I’m sure class 3 will be up for it!

If for any reason, you missed last week’s you can download them here….

Weekly Round-up (+ Homework)

Another fab week in Class 3 this week…exploring more of The Secret of Black Rock, displaying results of our seaside survey, solving problems linked to multiplication and exploring what is under our feet to start our rocks work in Science.

The children were so interested to find out what was underneath and we had some great discussions about the different layers. For homework this week, I have challenged them to find out the names of some different types of rock. Perhaps they could use the internet to do some research or make a piccollage of some different rocks. Perhaps they could go on a hunt to find things made of ‘rock’ around the house or garden. I hope this can then lead onto discussions about man-made and natural rocks and also the different uses of them.

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